Creative Entrepreneurship Academy CEA

2016. aasta teema

Loovate keskkondade kujundamine


Kuupäev: 18.–22. jaanuar 2016
Koht: Tallinn ja Helsingi
Keel: inglise
Osavõtt: tasuline ning vajalik eelnev registreerumine.

Päevakava puudutavatele küsimustele vastab: Ragnar Siil (e-post: See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.; telefon: +372 514 0830)

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  • 17 January


    Arrival in Tallinn

    19.00: Welcome reception at the Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Estonia (Tallinn)

  • 18 January


    Lectures and TeamLabs at the Estonian Business School

    10.00-13.00: Introduction to the Creative Business Academy 2016. Pitching Session

    • Ragnar Siil, Managing Partner, Creativity Lab (Estonia)

    13.00-14.00: Lunch

    14.00-16.00: Creative Ecosystem in the Nordic-Baltic Region

    • Rasmus Wiinstedt-Tscherning, Managing Director, Creative Business Cup (Denmark)

    16.00-17.00: Estonian Design Ecosystem

    • Stella Soomlais, Entrepreneur and Designer (Estonia)

    19.00: Dinner and networking at the Telliskivi Creative City

  • 19 January


    Lectures and TeamLabs at the Estonian Business School

    10.00-13.00: Theme of the Day: Design Thinking

    • Marco Steinberg, Founder, Snowcone and Haystack (Finland)

    13.00-14.00: Lunch

    14.00-16.00: TeamLab: Using Design Thinking to Develop Creative Ecosystems

    • Practical workshop by Marco Steinberg

    16.00-17.00: Discussion: Creativity and a Successful Economy

    • Helen Sildna, Founder and Director, Tallinn Music Week (Estonia)

    18.00: Visit and dinner at the Seaplane Harbour: A 21st-Century Museum

    • Ott Sarapuu, Head of Tourism Marketing, Estonian Tourist Board (Estonia)
  • 20 January


    10.00-12.00: On-site Visits to Selected Case-studies in Groups

    12.00-13.00: Lunch

    13.00-15.00: Preparing Group Assignments Based on Case-studies

    18.00: Dinner and presentation of Group Assignments at KamaHouse

  • 21 January


    Lectures and TeamLabs at the Estonian Business School

    10.00-13.00: Theme of the Day: Creative Placemaking

    • Charles Landry, Author of Creative City Concept (United Kingdom)

    13.00-14.00: Lunch

    14.00-16.30: TeamLab: How to Design Creative Cities. The idea of the City 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0

    • Practical workshop by Charles Landry

    19.00: Visit of Estonian Design House and dinner at Klaus

  • 22 January


    6.45: Gathering at Terminal D

    7.30-9.30: Ferry from Tallinn to Helsinki, Finland. Morning seminar on the ferry

    10.30-18.30: Theme of the Day: Creative Entrepreneurship

    • Peter Kelly, Professor, Aalto University (Finland)

    On-site visits in Helsinki

    19.30-21.30: Helsinki-Tallinn ferry, farewell dinner

  • 23 January


    10.00-12.00: Optional Tallinn city tour

    Departure from Tallinn

Creative Entrepreneurship Academy CEA organisers

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