Põhja-Balti energiakonverents 2019: programm
Aeg: 24.-25. oktoober 2019
Koht: Nordic Hotel Forum, Tallinn
Keel: Inglise
Korraldaja: Põhjamaade Ministrite Nõukogu
Thursday, 24 October
The 2030 challenges in designing plans, policies and solutionsModerator: Bo Diczfalusy, Nordic Energy Research -
Welcome notes
- Christer Haglund, Director, Nordic Council of Minister´s Office in Estonia
- Timo Tatar, Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Economy and Communication of Estonia
- Johan Vetlesen, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy/Nordic Council of Ministers Energy Committee
Policy session. Key notes on implementation of the Clean Energy for all Europeans package
How can the Nordic and Baltic countries perform in energy towards 2030?
- How are the Nordics and Baltics performing in a global and European context in renewables, in energy efficiency and in innovative technologies? The “eagles view “of Nordics and Baltics on the way toward 2030.
Aad van Bohemen, Head of the Energy Policy and Security Division, International Energy Agency (IEA) - Are renewable technologies coming faster than expected? What are the drivers and where are we heading?
Dolf Gielen, Director, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) - Status for the NECP’s. How are the members doing 3 months before delivery date? Is this enough to reach the 1,5 degree climate target? What does the Commission expect from the 2050 strategy discussion?
Vasco Ferreira, DG Energy, EU Commission - What are the solutions for the future and next generation?
Martin Collignon, Member at the Danish Youth Climate Council and COO of ElectricityMap
Panel debate
- How are the Nordics and Baltics performing in a global and European context in renewables, in energy efficiency and in innovative technologies? The “eagles view “of Nordics and Baltics on the way toward 2030.
Coffee break
Update on the NECP’s and the need for regional coordination
- From 2007 Energy Policy for Europe to 2030 policies. 28 plans. Convergence or divergence. What can be the priorities of renewed EU institutions?
Jean Arnold Vinois, Adviser on the Energy Union, Jacques Delors Institute
Country presentations and panel: Regional interaction and linkages to national climate and energy plans
- Jaanus Uiga, Head of Department, Ministry of Economics and Communication, Estonia
- Markku Kinnunen, Chief Counsellor at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland
- Alexander Meijer, Head of Section, Ministry of Infrastructure, Energy Division, Sweden
- Andrejs Apanuks, Ministry of Economics, Latvia
- Lars Georg Jensen, Coordinator NECP, Danish Energy Agency, Denmark
- Daumantas Kerezis, Acting Head of the Innovations and Internationality Group, Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuania
- From 2007 Energy Policy for Europe to 2030 policies. 28 plans. Convergence or divergence. What can be the priorities of renewed EU institutions?
Viewpoints from the industry and academia on energy perspectives towards 2030 and 2050
- The prospects for offshore wind in the European energy transition to 2030 and beyond.
Knut Aanstad, VP Offshore Wind Business Development, Equinor - BEMIP offshore wind study. Are there opportunities in the Baltic Sea for offshore wind?
Berit Tennbakk, Partner at THEMA Consulting Group - Bioenergy in Latvia 2030
Andris Vanags, Fortum Latvia and Latvian Federation for Renewable energy - Nordic Baltic energy research cooperation. The good example.
Hans Jørgen Koch, Director Nordic Energy Research - Potential and trends of solar harnessing in the Nordic-Baltic region
Andres Meesak, CEO Estonian PV Association
- The prospects for offshore wind in the European energy transition to 2030 and beyond.
Coffee break
Policy cases which could deliver towards 2030
- Paving the way for deployment of CCUS. A report from the Baltic carbon forum
Ingvild Ombudstvedt, Owner/Lawyer, IOM Law - The prospects for carbfix
Bergur Sigfússon, geochemist, Reykjavik Energy - 100 percent renewables in 2050? How could RES policy instruments still do a difference?
Dovile Almanyte-Zdanaviciene, Head of Climate change management policy group, Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania - Energy efficiency in industry – a policy case
Thomas Björkman, Project manager, Swedish Energy Agency (STEM) - Decarbonisation plan for energy sector
Marek Strandberg, Expert and consultant on energy and climate, Tallinn Energy Agency
- Paving the way for deployment of CCUS. A report from the Baltic carbon forum
Reception / Buffet
Friday, 25 October
The long term 2030 challenges for energy infrastructure and marketsModerator: Jaanus Uiga, Head of Department, Estonian Ministry of Economics and Communication -
Energy infrastructure and market-design session
- Ten Years Network Development Plan (TYNDP). A Nordic example.
Risto Kuusi, Fingrid, TSO Finland - The future work towards 2030 on strengthening the Baltic grid between the Baltics.
Kalle Kilk, Elering, TSO Estonia - Reducing Climate Change: The EU’s policy experience, including positive and negative interactions between policies.
Mette Quinn, Head of Unit for EU ETS Implementation at European Commission, DG Climate Action - How will the the gas connector provide for an opening of the gas market in the Baltics?
Herkko Plit, President and CEO at Baltic Connector
- Ten Years Network Development Plan (TYNDP). A Nordic example.
Coffee and refreshments
Exchange of views between Baltic and Nordic parliamentarians
Panel discussion: What are the main political challenges for the region in energy sectors?
- Erki Savisaar, Chair of the Environmental Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu and Vice Chair of the Natural Resources and Environment Committee of the Baltic Assembly
- Keit Pentus-Rosimannus, Member of Riigikogu, EU Affairs Committee
- Lorena Delgado Varas, Sveriges Riksdag, Vänsterpartiet, Nordic Council
- Arman Teimouri, Sveriges Riksdag, Liberals Party, Nordic Council
- Moderated by: Erik Moora, Editor-in-chief, Eesti Ekspress
Security of electricity supply
- Perspectives on the generation adequacy on the Baltic TSO- side.
Ansis Zbanovs, Electrical Engineer, AS “Augstsprieguma tīkls (AST) - Perspectives on the generation adequacy and SOS from the Nordic TSO-side
Anders Pallesen Jensen, Head of Security of Supply, Energinet Denmark - Is desynchronization in 2025 still within reach?
Liutauras Varanavicius, Director, Litgrid - How to break the silos between gas and electricity markets?
Rota Šņuka, Latvian NRA (regulator)
- Perspectives on the generation adequacy on the Baltic TSO- side.
Wrap-up and concluding remarks
- Johan Vetlesen, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy/ Nordic Council of Ministers Energy Committee