Päevakava: energiakonverents 2016
Aeg: 11.-12. mai 2016
Koht: Nordic Hotel Forum, Tallinn
Keel: inglise
11 may
Policy – 2030 targets and governance
The EU has decided on four headline targets on GHG: energy efficiency, renewable energy and interconnectivity for the 2030 energy and climate policies in October 2014 and March 2015. The targets will be achieved through national measures best suited to the national preconditions and the existing building blocks for polices towards 2020. The EU 2030 targets signal a continuation of these policies under a new governance system assisting the countries. This session will shed light on the main new development on the overall level and provide an eagle’s view on how the new governance system can contribute to meeting the overall targets and improve national measures? Is there a scope for exchange of best practices within the new governance system? Could the new cooperation within BEMIP contribute?
Chaired by Timo Tatar, Head of Energy Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia
Welcome notes
- Christer Haglund, Director, Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia
- Ando Leppiman, Vice-chancellor, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia
- Hannu Lipponen, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Finland (Country of Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2016)
The Energy Union – state of play and next steps
- Mårten Westrup, Team Leader, EU Commission
Benchmarking Nordic and Baltic countries in renewable energy and energy efficiency performance. Lessons learned.
- Dr. Ute Collier, Senior Programme Leader, Renewable Energy Division, International Energy Agency
The Energy Union process in a historical perspective and the way forward? Opportunities and possible pitfalls in the process. Role of BEMIP?
- Jean Arnold Vinois, Adviser, Jacques Delors Institute
Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives: heading towards 2030 targets and building on regional co-operation
- Hans Jørgen Koch, CEO, Nordic Energy Research
Discussion “Will the Energy Union deliver as expected?”
Energy break
Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency policies as part of the Energy Union dimensions and initiatives towards 2030. Smarter and better policies? How do the governments and agencies of Nordic and Baltic countries view the energy efficiency policies develop towards 2030? Which sectors are the most vital to target in policies to promote energy efficiency? The interplay between EU targets, national plans and voluntary targets? How to adapt the energy efficiency and EPBD directives towards 2030? How to fit energy efficiency into a new governance structure? How to cooperate across borders?
What can we expect from Energy Union follow up in energy efficiency?
- Claudia Canevari, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Energy, EU Commission
Country and industry interventions on energy efficiency
- Madis Laaniste, Head of Strategy, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia
- Torill Johanne Svaan, Deputy Director General, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Division, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Norway
- Signe Marie Enghave, Advisor, Danish Energy Agency, Denmark
- Jouni Kivirinne, Business Development Manager, Helen OY (Helsinki Energy Company), Finland
- Harald von Heyden, Enfo AS, Norway
Discussion “Are developments in energy sector always a bit ahead from respective policies on energy efficiency? What we want from new EE directive?”
Chaired by Timo Tatar, Head of Energy Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia
Networking buffet reception
12 May
Renewable energy – markets vs subsidies towards 2030
The Nordic countries and Baltic states have due to natural conditions and good policy efforts a very high share of renewable energy compared to the rest of EU. In this session it would be of interest to have a global view on the region. Which direction will policy developments on renewable energy take after 2020? Will markets or active policy intervention sustain in the time perspective of the Energy Union towards 2030?
Chaired by Rene Tammist, Estonian Renewable Energy Association
What are the dilemmas in a future policy effort on renewable energy? Markets or subsidies?
- Dr. Ute Collier, Senior Programme Leader, Renewable Energy Division, International Energy Agency
EU renewable energy policy and regional cooperation
- Ruta Baltause, Policy Officer, DG Energy, European Commission
Novel ways of financing clean energy
- Ash Sharma, Special Adviser for Climate Change, Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO)
Questions and Answers
Energy break
Country and industry perspectives on renewable energy policies towards 2020 and 2030
- Aija Timofejeva, Director of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Department, Ministry of Economics, Latvia
- Eva Centeno López, Deputy Director, Energy Division, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Sweden
- Anja Liukko, Government Counsellor, Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Finland
- Dirk Hendricks, Senior Policy Advisor, European Renewable Energies Federation
- Jens Bjöörn, Senior Manager Public Affairs, Fortum
- Knut F. Kroepelien, Senior Policy and Legal Adviser, Energy Norway
Discussion “What would be the best policy framework for investments in renewable energy?”
- Johan Vetlesen, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Norway