"According to young Finnish politicians, although Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are primarily connected to the Nordic countries by the Baltic Sea, they are ever more closely linked to them through labour migration," writes Liisa Tagel in the 13 November edition of the Postimees daily newspaper. Tagel attended Nordic Council's 65th session in Oslo from 29-31 October to follow the discussions that took place there.

Tagel spoke to Silja Borgarsdóttir Sandelin – whose father is from Iceland, whose mother is a Finnish Swede and who herself attended school in Denmark – and Henrik Nyholm. Both are young politicians and members of the Nordic Youth Council.

Nyholm remarked that the Nordic countries have two gateways to Europe: through the Baltic States and through Germany. "The focus of foreign cooperation should be on the Baltic region, but if the Scottish independence referendum goes through, I'd happily see them join the Nordic ranks," he said.

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