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Round-table on EBO, Vilnius Finished

The first round-table discussion, ‘A roadmap towards an effective domestic violence prevention:
emergency barring order and specialised support system for the victims of domestic violence’ and
study visits took place in the end of May 2022 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Gender equality, women‘s rights and domestic violence experts, as well as the governmental
representatives and policemen shared their experiences and good practices of gender-based
violence prevention measures and discussed effective ways to ensure protection and support to the
victims in the region. Experts visited:

  • Police Department in Vilnius (under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Lithuania) where the
    statistics of domestic violence in Lithuania, role and competences of the police in the field of
    domestic violence prevention as well as the principles of the emergency barring order (EBO)
    were introduced.
  • Women‘s Information Center (NGO), which is a part of the Lithuanian specialized complex
    support centers that are NGOs that provide support to the victims of domestic violence and
    disseminates information to the public on gender-based violence prevention and women‘s

Programme and Presentations, Vilnius