Creative writing camp
On April 24th to 27th 30 young people from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Åland are coming together on the small Estonian island of Kihnu to take part of the first ever Nordic-Baltic creative writing camp. The camp will be led by creative writing teachers and experts from both the Nordic and Baltic countries, with the main lecturer being Caroline Ørsum from the Danish Creative writing school Forfatterskolen for Unge.
Participants will get an opportunity to get together and discuss important matters with creative writing experts, and writers from both the Nordics and Baltics. The students will be given step-by-step guiding on how to write a story and creative writing tools and tips. Taught techniques on how to create interesting and compelling characters and how to structure a successful story from the beginning to the end. Local teachers help to read and comment, as the writing tasks are in native language. In addition to learning how to write a compelling story the youngsters will also have an opportunity to get acquainted with the culture and traditions of the Kihnu island people.
“The participants are supported personally throughout the project by Nordic experts and by local professionals, which is quite unique,” says Eha Vain, culture adviser at the Nordic Council of Ministers´ in Estonia. “Who knows, maybe it is one of the students at our camp who will become our and your next favourite author.”
The camp´s main lecturer is Danish writer Caroline Ørsum (picture above). She primarily writes realistic young adult fiction and has published 15 books since her debut novel “Head in the clouds” (2009). She has a master’s degree in Communication Studies from Roskilde University, Denmark, but today she is a full-time writer and creative writing teacher.
The creative writing camp is a combined project of all three Baltic Offices of the Nordic Council of Ministers´ and is taking place thanks to the Nordic Writers crossing borders programme.