Digitalisation and innovation
More about the fields
Held events
- Creative Entrepreneurship Academy 2016: Designing Creative Ecosystems (18-22.01.2016)
- Creative Industries Financing Forum 2015: Is Investment in the Creative Industries Gambling? (8.09.2015)
- Inspiration Lunches: How to sell and find a new market; Big changes and bankruptcy; Agents creating business opportunities (April-May 2014)
- Nordic Look 2013 (3.-9.06.2013)
- Seminar: New trends in cross-media (30.05.2012)
- Nordic Look 2012 (15.-30.05.2012)
- Conference: Creative Entrepreneurship – for a Competitive Economy (19.-21.10.2011)
- Roundtable: Creative indutries in the Nordic countries (18.10.2011)
- Conference: Service Design (23.09.2011)
- Conference: Creative Hotspots (24.03.2011)
- Conference: Nordic Open 2010 (8.10.2010)
- Conference: Visible and invisible design management (24.09.2010)
- Seminar: Cooperation of the Nordic and Baltic creative centres (16.-19.06.2010)
- Roundtable: Music export (27.03.2010)
- Series of seminars: Creative economy and marketing (February-March 2010)
- Conference: Public Service Media Confronts New Media Behaviour (11.-12.06.2009)
- Seminar: Textile industry on the Faroese islands (November 2009)
- Seminar: Marketing the city of Reykjavik (November 2009)
- Nordic Forum: Festivals – Stefan Ahlgren (25.03.2009)
- Conference: Creative Industries in the Nordic-Baltic Region (17.-18.03.2009)
- Nordic Forum: Festivals – Jyrki Kangas (4.03.2009)
- Nordic Forum: Culture and entrepreneurship. Jewellery (7.01.2009)
- Nordic Forum: The Baltic Sea region: a tourist magnet in a globalising world? (15.05.2008)
- Nordic Forum: Creative industries in Sweden (10.12.2008)
- Nordic Forum: The creative economy as the driving force behind regional development in the Baltic Sea region (28.11.2007)
- Conference: Inspired by Ingredients! (21.10.2010)
- Seminar: Food and Beverage in the Nordic countries (December 2010)
- Conference: New Nordic Food and the Nordic-Baltic Wine Academy (25.-29.08.2010)
- Nordic Food Days (12.-17.03.2008)
- Seminar: New Nordic Food and Culinary Tourism (March 2008)
- Nordic Forum: Less salt, less fat – and other ways of improving children’s nutrition! (1.11.2008)
- Nordic Forum: Less salt, less fat – making food the smart way! (31.10.2008)
Nordic Council of Ministers’ publications on:
- Rasmus Wiinstedt-Tscherning, Founder and Managing Director, Creative Business Cup, Denmark: What is Creative Entrepreneurship?
- Marco Steinberg, Founder and Director, Snowcone and Haystack, Finland: Design Thinking and Doing
- Yrjö Ojasaar, Entrepreneur, Solon Partners, Estonia: What Separates Good Money from Bad?
- Joost Heinsius, Entrepreneur, Values of Culture&Creativity, the Netherlands: Values of Culture & Creativity
- Heidi Kakko, CEO, EstBAN, Estonia: What Do Angels Want?
- Andy Johnston, Investor, MOOR Capital, Sweden: How does the mind of an investor work, how does it find potential businesses to invest in?
- Rene Tõnnisson, Co-founder and Member of Executive Board, Buildit Accelerator, Estonia: Investing into Creative Industries Startups – Balancing Opportunities with ChallengesInvesting into Creative Industries Startups – Balancing Opportunities with Challenges
- Nordic Look 2013
- Nordic Look 2012
- Tobias Nielsén: The ERIBA model – an effective and successful policy framework for the creative industries
- Tobias Nielsén: Creative industries: growth or survival?
- Tom Fleming: The Creative Economy – Leading the Recovery in the Nordic-Baltic Region?
- Tobias Nielsén: Understanding the experience industry – a Swedish perspective on creativity
- KooPee Hiltunen: Nordic Co-operation in games industry
- Rasius Makselis: Creative Incubators as Policy Instruments
- Foundation Tallinn Business Incubators. Overview of business incubators and Creative Incubator in Tallinn
- Toomas Plunt: Reet Aus brand: Slow fashion. Beautiful clothes.
- Tartu Creative Industries Centre. Co-ordinator of creative industries development in Tartu
- Roger Wallis: File sharing – good, bad or worse?
- Per Helge Sørensen: Public Service and File Sharing
- Erik Kruse: here comes everybody…
- Emanuel Karlsten: How do we use the social web?
- Leif Lønsman: A make-over of Public Service Media – to transform old media to 360 degree digital media
- Stefan Ahlgren: Öland Harvest Festival
- Jyrki Kangas: Pori Jazz text
- Jyrki Kangas: Presentation of the Pori Jazz Festival
- Jyrki Kangas: Pori Jazz: add-on
- Anders Sjöstedt: Talk the walk – Creative industry development in Sweden
- “Empower the heritage”. Proposal for strategic development of the Barbados cotton industry
- New Nordic Food – ideas and initiatives 2007-2009
- Toiduetnoloog Richard Tellström: New Nordic Food – Seven aspects of food as an asset in globalizing world
- New Nordic Food – Innovation in the food, tourism and experience industries
- Nordic Council of Ministers – Nordic flavours are coming into their own
- New Nordic Cuisine
- Martin Breuer: In a widening world best food is local!
- Magdalena Markowska: EXPLORE – Experiencing Local Food Resources in the Nordic countries
- New Nordic Food project EXPLORE – EXPeriencing LOcal food REsources in the Nordic countries
- Mikko Hasu: TILAVIINIT Finnish country wines – Fruit Wines from the North
- Bent Egberg Mikkelsen: Nordic School Food systems and approaches
- Marjaana Lahti-Koski: Nutrition in Finland: Towards healthier food from childhood on