Future-proof Economic Models (speakers)

Aeg: August 9th, 15.00-16.15
Keel: English, sign language
Koht: Paide, Future Economy area
The Global economy has increased ten-fold during past 70 years. The economic model based on technological progress, cheap energy input and mass-scale production has created abundance of material goods and welfare. However, by now this model is compromised – broken the planetary boundaries and led humankind to the verge of social and ecological crisis. How to move on with a better plan? Consumption is the fuel for economy – how will the business do in the post-growth economy? Is circular and bioeconomy the right vehicle? Is it possible really to detach growth from resource consumption? Some socio-economic studies refer to new alternatives. These are crucial issues for politicians, social scientists, economists and entrepreneurs. For all of us.
Kristiina Esop
CEO at Responsible Business Forum Estonia (Estonia)
Kristiina Esop is the CEO of Responsible Business Forum, consultant, coach and in her doctoral studies in Estonian Business School. She has worked with number of entrepreneurs and leaders in Estonia and elsewhere on sustainable development issues.
Mika Pantzar
Futurist and economist (Finland)
Mika Pantzar is renowned Finnish futurist and economist, whose articles have been published in peer-reviewed journals internationally and who has contributed to study programmes in several universities. Pantzar focuses on but does not limit his academic scope with consumer and big data issues. He has studied links between economic policy and technology, economics of sport, health and happiness; systems theory and is relentlessly spotting new trends.
Mikael Malmaeus
Economist and researcher at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (Sweden)
Mikael Malmaeus is an economist and environmental researcher at IVL Swedish Environmental Institute. Mikael works with a wide range of environmental issues including macroeconomic modeling, EIA, cost-benefit analysis and environmental policy. He was recently involved in the multi-disciplinary project “Beyond GDP growth” that explored sustainable future developments beyond traditional GDP growth. He is also a board member of the Institute for Degrowth Studies in Sweden that arranged the 6th International degrowth Conference for Ecological sustainability and social equity.
Tea Danilov
Head of the Foresight Centre, Parliament of Estonia (Estonia)
Tea Danilov has graduated from the University of Tartu with a Master of Economics degree, specialising in econometrics and economic theory. She has worked in Enterprise Estonia as the Director of Export and Entrepreneurship Centre, and in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications as the Head of Internal Market Department and Economic Development Department.
Kristi Saare
Moderator, Investor (Estonia)
Kristi Saare is one of the leaders and voices of the Estonian investor community, familiar to people through blogs and the Investment-radio podcast. Kristi is also the founder of the Women Investors club and works as the Tuleva fund community leader.