Exhibition: Animals No-One Has Seen Except Us
This March we invite all, both big and small, to visit Viimsi Library and meet mystical animals no one has seen before.
The exhibition ”Djur som ingen sett utom vi” (Animals No-One Has Seen Except Us) is based on the children’s picture book with the same title written by author Ulf Stark and illustrator Linda Bondestam. The book was awarded the Snöbollen prize for the best Swedish picture book of the year in 2016 and won the Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize in 2017.
Bondestam’s original illustrations are shown in the exhibition. Both bigger and smaller paintings take us to a wonderful and peculiar world we have never seen before.
The animals shown on pictures come in all shapes and sizes. Some are happy, some are scared or shy. They live in their own fantasy world where no-one has seen them before. Or is it a world that is familiar to us?
The exhibition is an experience for both children and adults. The exhibition will stay open in Viimsi Library until the end of March.
Linda Bondestam, the author of the illustrations will have a workshop for children on March 12th.