09.08.19 – 10.08.19
Discussing diversity and future-proof economic model at the Opinion Festival Finished

Opinion Festival (Arvamusfestival) is happening on 09.–10. August this year. Nordic Council of Ministers` Office in Estonia will participate with two discussions:
- Diversity – A Tool for Sustainable Success | 13.30-14.45
- What Is the Future-proof Economic Model? | 15.00-16.15
You can find us from the Future economy area (Tulevikumajanduse ala). Our discussions will be held in English and translated into sign language.
First subject concentrates on the benefits of diversity for different types of organisations. Diverse workforce brings along open-mindedness and helps to grasp all potential business opportunities. It is fruitful on both management level as well as in the overall workforce. Several researches have proven that companies with more women in management positions are more profitable (IMF 2016). Research also indicates companies with more diverse workforces perform better financially (McKinsey & Company, 2018). Why diversity brings various benefits? Are Nordic and Baltic companies realizing this competitive edge?
During the second debate our panelists talk about the Global economy and how it has increased ten-fold during past 70 years. The economic model based on technological progress, cheap energy input and mass-scale production has created abundance of material goods and welfare. However, by now this model is compromised – broken the planetary boundaries and led humankind to the verge of social and ecological crisis. How to move on with a better plan? Consumption is the fuel for economy – how will the business do in the post-growth economy? Is circular and bioeconomy the right vehicle? Is it possible really to detach growth from resource consumption? Some socio-economic studies refer to new alternatives. These are crucial issues for politicians, social scientists, economists and entrepreneurs. For all of us.
Come to think and discuss with us!