Cybercation 2024: Many Faces of Cyber Security

kõik esinejad 2

Nordic-Baltic Educators' Forum Cybercation is an annual event that brings together forward-thinking people from all areas related to cyber security: tech entrepreneurs, representatives of educational organizations, IT teachers, youth specialists, IT and cyber education enthusiasts, cyber law specialists, and policy-makers. This event will revolutionize the approach to cybersecurity education and help create a better foundation for the future cybersecurity experts our society so desperately needs today.

This year's Cybercation forum features three practical sessions. The first covers cybersecurity education, the second addresses ethical and legal issues in the field, and the third engages the Think Tank initiative, looking into the future of cyber security across Nordic-Baltic region.

Objectives of Cybercation 2024:

  • to increase Awareness: Educate participants about current cyber situation and future perspectives.
  • to facilitate Collaboration: Encourage cybersecurity professionals and educators to share insights and their best practices.
  • to drive Innovation: Inspire the development of new ideas and solutions within the cybersecurity field.

Moderator: Anett Numa, Accelerate Estonia


    Equipping Minds for the Digital Age

    • Cyber Education equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in today's digital age

    Ethical and Legal Aspects as Part of Cyber Security

    • Discussions on the Ethical Considerations and legal frameworks that Guide Cybersecurity Practices.

    Nordic-Baltic CyberSkills Think Tank

    • 35 members representing all of the Nordic and Baltic countries. In the last 10 months the think tank has worked across borders, mapping the cybersecurity landscape, understanding the challenges and opportunities, when it comes to skilling and talent development. Expect a session on how we could try to bridge the skills gap, and be inspired on how we together can build a more resilient cyber ecosystem across Nordic and Baltic borders.

Programme coming soon!

Organizer: Grete Kodi


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Tel: +375 505 9223  
