"We're constantly in the midst of change, and our work has transformed beyond all recognition, which is why you have to be prepared to reorient yourself within a very short space of time," says Netprofile founder and trainer Christina Forsgård from Finland at the 'Tried and tested innovation model: creativity + IT' inspiration lunch held on 14 April in Tallinn, Estonia. "The founding of Aalto University in 2010, which brought together a number of fields which to that point had been separate from one another, was a sign that we'd have to start thinking differently. Creative people had to start taking business, IT and engineering into account, and they had to start taking creative people into account."

Sharing their experiences and inspiring the audience in addition to Forsgård were creative tourism professional and Faralong founder Kalle Viira from Finland and Heelosophy founder and CEO Seren Eilmann from Estonia. The lunch was organised by the Finnish Institute in Estonia, Creative Estonia and the Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Estonia.

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