“We decided to celebrate our anniversary with a gift to each and everyone,” said Christer Haglund, Director of the Estonian Office of the Nordic Council of Ministers. “So we joined forces with the Latvian and Lithuanian offices and created a great digital game, which you and your friends can use to compete and gain new knowledge about the Nordic countries.”
According to Christer Haglund, 23 March is the right time for launching the quiz, as it’s also the day when the Nordic Day is celebrated: “It’s an excellent opportunity to find out how Nordic you are!”
“The quiz can be a fun and useful activity for teachers to engage their students in both their online classes, and once they return to the classrooms. You can also play the quiz by yourself and test your own knowledge, or with a (larger) group to see who knows the most about the Nordics,” explained Helen Nilsson, Director of Lithuanian Office of the Nordic Council of Ministers.
“I think most people enjoy playing games with friends, and quizzes are an excellent way of testing your skills in different fields. This digital Nordic Quiz can be played easily even in times when we can’t (always) meet our friends face-to-face, and will hopefully provide you with new - and maybe surprising! - knowledge about the Nordic countries,” said Stefan Eriksson, Director of the Latvian Office of the Nordic Council of Ministers.
The online quiz supports the vision of the Nordic Council of Ministers for 2030 by raising awareness of new digital teaching methods and tools, and improving linguistic and cultural understanding, which is important to make Nordic and Baltic people feel like a community.
The quiz was initiated by the Nordic Council of Ministers´Office in Estonia and developed with Estonian software Adact. It’s available in five languages: Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian and English. There are more than 300 questions and 10 of them are asked in a single quiz. Therefore, the quiz is still interesting and developing when taken for the fifth or even the tenth time. You can take the online quiz on your phone, computer or tablet and do it by yourself or with your family and friends all over the world. Play the game here.