Wanna save the world? 10 myths on sustainable consumption

Thursday, 19 September 2013
Photo: Johannes Jansson/norden.org Photo: Johannes Jansson/norden.org

So you think that recycled can is going to earn you a gold star in consumer heaven? Not so, according to a new report from the Nordic Council of Ministers. The report dispels a number of myths about sustainable consumption and concludes that government action is what we need.

10 myths:

  1. Green consumption is the solution
  2. Consumers should lead the shift to sustainability
  3. If everyone does a little we will achieve a lot
  4. Small and easy environmental actions will spill-over to bigger changes
  5. More information leads to sustainable behaviour
  6. Appealing to people's self-interest is the path to sustainable behaviour
  7. Sustainability means "living in caves"
  8. People become happier if they gain more money and increase material levels of consumption
  9. Private ownership of all kinds of products is desirable – sharing is not
  10. Consumption policies are too controversial to be accepted by the public

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