Nordic Information day in Põlva
Date: 31 January 2019
Time: 14.00 – 16.30
Venue: Põlva Culture and Hobby Centre; Kesk 15, Põlva
Language: Estonian and English
Information day is taking place in co-operation with the rural municipality government of Põlva
Thursday, January 31
Opening words
- Georg Pelisaar, Põlva municipality governor
- Christer Haglund, director of the Nordic Council of Ministers´ Office in Estonia
The 2019 policies and guidelines for the Nordic Council of Ministers´ Office in Estonia
- Christer Haglund, director of the Nordic Council of Ministers´ Office in Estonia
About the Nordic-Baltic Funding projects through the eyes of a participant
- Nordic-Baltic mobility programme for public administration
- Kaire Kalk, Põlva valla arenduse peaspetsialist
- Nordic-Baltic Grant programme for NGOs
- Nordic-Baltic mobility programme for public administration
Duscussions in work groups: Advice from the Nordic Council of Ministers´ Office for users of the grant programmes
- Merle Kuusk, adviser: NGOs and visiting the Nordic Coucils´ institutions
- Madis Kanarbik, head of Tartu branch office: public administartion grant programmes
Coffe and tea break
More information:
Madis Kanarbik
Head of the Tartu branch office
tel: +372 742 36 25; GSM: +372 50 46 570
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.