New applications for project funding are now being accepted. The chances of attracting support for your project will be higher if you team up with other partners who can add to the robustness of your idea. But even more importantly, you should convince us how you will create a solid storyline that generates a serious buzz about the Nordic Region. The total budget for this round of applications is DKK 2.5 million.
Get your Nordic story right
The Nordics branding project is flipping place branding on its head. Instead of showing The Nordics to the world – we will show The Nordics in the world. And by putting our regional differences to the side, this collective vision benefits everyone and streamlines cooperation between embassies, consulates and other stakeholders.
If you have the right project in mind we can help get your message out to the masses by (co)funding for instance communication campaigns, PR activities, a podcast series, or…? We aren’t great fans of paying for plane tickets and accommodation but if you can argue that it’s just what you need to get the project on the cover of the Rolling Stone we might listen.
Two ways to apply for funding
- Supportive co-operation: projects that help to set new standards and to brand the Nordic Region and our shared values. The maximum grant amount is DKK 250,000.
- Creative talents: projects that change the perception of how the Nordic Region should be branded. A high level of creativity with an emphasis on new actors and ideas is desired. The maximum grant amount is DKK 50,000.
Mandatory application criteria:
- Emphasis on Nordic values and strategic focus areas
- A strong Nordic story
- Cross-sectoral co-operation/topics
- Co-funding (not applicable to creative talents)
- At least three partners, at least two of which are from different Nordic countries (not applicable to creative talents)
- Documented partners (not applicable to creative talents)
- The application deadline is August 30th 2019.
“The aim is to create a unified brand for The Nordics, a brand that shares its relevance with the world by showing how Nordic thinking has inspired many, and how common values can transcend borders, cultures and generations”, says Tobias Grut, projektleder for Branding the Nordic Region.
This is the 6th call for applications. Since 2016, 113 projects from different corners of the globe have been supported by The Nordics, bringing many innovative ideas into the international spotlight.
The applycation process is electronical and in English.
More information about the grant can be found on The Nordics homepage.