The Nordic Committee for Cooperation visited Tallinn. Heads of the Nordic Council of Ministers met with president Kersti Kaljulaid

Friday, 21 April 2017
Photo: Patrik Tamm/

April 19-20, the Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers Dagfinn Høybråten, chief of staff Kenneth Broman and The Nordic Committee for Cooperation (NSK) visited Tallinn. Dagfinn Høybråten, Kenneth Broman and the director of the Nordic Council of Ministers office in Estonia, Christer Haglund met with the president of Estonia, Kersti Kaljulaid in Kadriorg, April 19. At the meeting, the good cooperation between Estonia and the Nordics was discussed, that, according to the president, is based on shared values and joint strategical interests.

„The communication between our countries has been sincere and constructive,“ wrote president Kaljulaid on her Facebook page. „I also gave recognition to the Nordic Council of Ministers office in Estonia, that has been active in Estonia for 26 years, all over the country and together with Estonia, carries out several important projects. The visitors confirmed that the developments Estonia has in digital field are of great interest to the Nordics.“

Digitalisation, e-governance and the social sector were pinpointed as important areas where we could gain more from each other´s experience and knowledge.

See the picture gallery here:

  • Põhjamaade Ministrite Nõukogu peasekretär Dagfinn Høybråten ja president Kersti Kaljulaid
  • Author: Patrik Tamm
  • Keskel PMN Eesti esinduse direktor Christer Haglund, paremal Kenneth Broman, Dagfinn Høybråten, president Kersti Kaljulaid, presidendi välisnõunik Kyllike Sillaste-Elling, presidendi kantselei direktor Tiit Riisalo ja Annika Luiga Välisministeeriumist
  • Author: Patrik Tamm
  • Põhjamaade Ministrite Nõukogu peasekretär Dagfinn Høybråten ja president Kersti Kaljulaid
  • Author: Patrik Tamm
  • Põhjamaade Ministrite Nõukogu Eesti esinduse juht Christer Haglund, president Kersti Kaljulaid ja PMN peasekretär Dagfinn Høybråten
  • Author: Patrik Tamm

The Nordic Committee for Co-operation (NSK) is responsible for the day-to-day work of the co-operation and is also the executive committee for the Council of Ministers’ Secretariat in Copenhagen. NSK is composed of senior civil servants from the public administrations in the Nordic countries. As a rule, NSK meets 8–10 times a year and is chaired by a civil servant from the country currently holding the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – in 2017, it the presidency is held by Norway.

In Tallinn, the Nordic Committee for Co-operation had it’s regular meeting, during which it was also decided to continue with the support program for independent Russian media in the Baltics. The committee also visited the Estonian office. See the picture gallery here:

  • Author: Patrik Tamm
  • Põhjamaade koostöö komitee Tallinnas 19.-20. aprillil 2017
  • Author: Patrik Tamm
  • Põhjamaade koostöö komitee Tallinnas 19.-20. aprillil 2017
  • Author: Patrik Tamm
  • Põhjamaade koostöö komitee Tallinnas 19.-20. aprillil 2017
  • Author: Patrik Tamm
  • Põhjamaade koostöö komitee Tallinnas 19.-20. aprillil 2017
  • Author: Patrik Tamm
  • Põhjamaade koostöö komitee Tallinnas 19.-20. aprillil 2017
  • Author: Patrik Tamm

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