Ärileht.ee: Cooperation between business and culture means mutual learning

Thursday, 03 September 2015
'Culture meets business: from preconceptions to successful cooperation' discussion at the 2015 Arvamusfestival. 'Culture meets business: from preconceptions to successful cooperation' discussion at the 2015 Arvamusfestival. Photo: Finnish Institute

"When culture and business work together, the benefits are always mutual: contributing to cultural projects boosts a company's reputation and both sides come away with great experiences," writes Eva Toome from the Finnish Institute on the Ärileht.ee (in Estonian) web portal, summarising the 'Culture meets business: from preconceptions to successful cooperation' discussion held as part of the 2015 Arvamusfestival (Festival of Opinion Culture).

Christer Haglund, the director of the Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Estonia, gave an example from his time working as the director of communications for Finnair, when the company received dozens of cooperation proposals every day. Those that managed to outline how such a partnership would support Finnair's operations, reputation, objectives and principles stood out. In searching for a partner it always pays to identify where you overlap and what your mutual interests are - therein lies at least one of the keys to assured success.

The discussion was organised by the Estonian branch of the Finnish Institute. Also contributing to the debate were Tallinn Music Week organiser Helen Sildna, Finnish Prime Minister's Office 'Finland 100' working group chief secretary Pekka Timonen, Guggenheim Helsinki project leader Sanna-Mari Jäntti and investor and banker Rain Lõhmus.

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