Green Growth Forum 2014: the bioeconomy in actuality – total makeover

Friday, 26 September 2014

Madis Tilga, the project manager of the Green Growth project 'Rohevik' at the Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Estonia, summarises the key thoughts that circulated at this year's forum, which showcased the bioeconomy and the opportunities it presents.

The transition to the bioeconomy means a complete change: the ways in which we do quite a number of things need to be reviewed. This is illustrated by the following list of key words:

  • Reduce – exploitation of resources
  • Reuse – commodities, infrastructure
  • Revive – through consequent changes
  • Recycle – materials, commodities
  • Redefine – resource needs
  • Re-imagine – potential uses
  • Redesign – use flows, uses of materials and infrastructure
  • Replace
  • Rebuild
  • Regenerate
  • Reform

  • Jyri Arponen, SITRA (Soome Innovatsioonifond)
  • Author: Laurits Leima/
  • Rohevik 2014
  • Author: Laurits Leima/
  • Prof Anne Luik, Eesti Maaülikool
  • Author: Laurits Leima/

Cooperation and awareness are the magic words that are both the prerequisite and catalyst for success. The joint contribution of the public and private sectors forms the basis of everything. It has led to Paper Province – a cluster of more than 90 companies – taking shape in Sweden, responsibility for whose 15 million euros in planned investments over nine years is shared equally by the public and private sectors. This is similar to the Sybimar and Forssa industrial parks in Finland. Of course, this means that both sectors need to recognise clear benefits in the bioeconomy. To this end, work must be done on three fronts:

  • offer – here the key words are cooperation, product development (innovation), transparency and access to capital and knowledge;
  • demand & market – the focus here is on raising consumer awareness and establishing a market; and
  • policy – standards and regulations.

Following Rohevik's bioeconomy-themed opening gambit, which was driven by growth in awareness among the general public, the objective is to contribute to the creation of a network that unites a broad range of fields. This would see agriculture come together with fishery, fishery with forestry and so on, leading to advancements on the offer side, creating new products and fostering opportunities for savings on resources and energy.

In parallel, we want to generate more political support for the bioeconomy. This means arranging round-tables for politicians from the Nordic countries and Baltic States, coordinating joint statements and involving entrepreneurs in the development of support measures.

The presentations, programme and bios from this year's Rohevik forum can be found on the Rohevik website. A video recording of the forum can be viewed online here and pictures from the event here. The ideas discussed at the forum were posted on the Rohevik Facebook page and tweeted (hashtag: #Rohevik).

Read also: A new bioeconomy in the Baltic Sea Region – doing a lot with little

Conference about bioeconomy organised by Nordregio on 12-13 November 2014 in Iceland: "Nordic Bioeconomy and Regional Innovation"Nordic Bioeconomy and Regional Innovation".

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