7 Nordic stories

Monday, 10 March 2014

The 2013 report of the Nordic Council of Ministers summarises the year's seven biggest success stories affecting Nordic society and promoting the region's values to the rest of the world.

7 success stories:

  • Open Access – an Internet platform hosting publications of the Nordic Council of Ministers, which are available to view free of charge
  • Nordic Cool – a showcase of Nordic culture and values in Washington DC
  • Opinion festivals – in Allinge in Denmark, Almedalen in Sweden and Arendal in Norway (and Paide in Estonia!)
  • Politics in 140 characters or less – the triumph of social media. Everyone interested can take part in discussions about the Nordic countries via social media, in all of the official language of the region (plus English). The Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Estonia is also represented in social media – including with different kinds of messages to those on its website – on its Facebook page, with videos on YouTube and through tweets on Twitter.
  • Defence and security policy – NORDEFCO
  • The fight against food going to waste – a third of the food produced in the world is simply wasted. The Nordic Council of Ministers, in association with the UN, has launched a campaign against the annual wasting of 725 billion euros.
  • The Nordic Council of Ministers awards gala – for the first time all of the national broadcasters in the region provided live, prime-time coverage of the awards ceremony, which was held in 2013 in the opera house in Oslo.

You can find out more about these success stories here.

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