The Finnish documentary Punaisen metsän hotelli or 'Red Forest Hotel' (2012) will be introduced by its director Mika Koskinen at the Kino Sõprus on 6 June. In his new film Koskinen looks at whether the new environmentally sound reforms of authoritarian China could be a green example to the rest of the world. However, the project takes a surprising turn when Chinese government officials prevent Koskinen from going to a tree plantation in the Guangxi province.
The Rooftop Cinema and Kino Sõprus will screen feature films and documentaries from all five Nordic countries during the week. The Nordic embassies in Estonia have helped bring the films to audiences here. The organisers of Nordic Look 2013 are particularly pleased that Estonian viewers will also have the chance to see the Swedish documentary Sugar Man (2012, directed by Malik Bendjelloul).
More information about the films, the cinema schedules and tickets is available on the website of Nordic Look 2013.