Context The potential of the Creative industries is widely known. A Nordic co-ordination concerning policy strategies, is therefore of great importance if economic impact is going to be achieved. The Nordic policy makers need to find a coherent approach towards creative industries and learn from each other when developing the creative industries. In order to develop the Creative Industries on a Nordic level, we need to have a strategic overview of Nordic clusters, sub-sectors and key national stakeholders. An analysis of existing public policy regimes of the Nordic Creative Industries is also required if co-operation on a Nordic governmental level should be facilitated. Outcome The main aim is to develop the Nordic region as a Global stronghold for the Creative Industries. The Green Paper will provide the first stage of strategic development for a pan-Nordic approach to Creative Industries development. It will be designed to stimulate discussion and build strategic partnership as a basis for future concrete policy and action. There are 3 main questions we would like you to comment on: Can you please attempt to respond to the questions outlined below. These should act as a prompt for you to forward your perspective on the Creative Industries and its policy needs. 1.Where are the gaps in Creative Industries intelligence, strategy and policy? 2.What is currently happening to bridge these gaps? 3.How can pan-Nordic policy be developed to be most meaningful and effective to benefit the sector at a local and national level? You may also contribute to the process by signpost us to existing research, policy and intelligence on the Creative Industries. If possible, you could also forward us documents (preferably in English!) and links to websites. Could you please recommend to us key organisations, partners and bodies that you think we need to consult in the process of developing the Green Paper. If you could explain why you think we should engage with them, that would be even more helpful. We are looking forward to your contribution! Thank you! Contact: Petra Nilsson Andersen, Senior Advisor This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Open consultation on Creative Industries Green Paper for the Nordic Region
The Nordic Innovation Centre invites Creative Industries stakeholders (from industry and business, networks, research institutes and national and regional agencies) to contribute to and express their views on the development of a Creative Industries Green Paper for the Nordic Region