In an all-Nordic team, The Madman’s Garden is directed by Robert Annus (EST), designed by Samal Blak (FO), will be conducted by Veronika Portsmuth (EST) and assisted by Pál Ragnar Pálsson (ICE). Artistically it boldly seeks to emphasise its dramatic content, while still maintaining its strong operatic features. Rasmussen’s work replaces traditional opera’s arias with instrumental episodes and the text is laconic in style. Inventively, Dance carries strong importance in this artwork and the opera is performed by Estonian singers, dancers and actors. Both composer Sunleif Rasmussen and librettist Danial Hoydal will be present at the Estonian premiere. A further unique opportunity to hear directly from them will be afforded when they will lecture on their artistic production and its music in the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Tickets are available at Piletilevi. Find out more here. For further information: The opera's Estonian website: The opera's international website: Organiser: NGO NordArt Group Supporters: Nordic Culture Point, Nordic House in Faeroe Islands, Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Estonia, Faeroese National Cultural Fund, Faeroese Ministry of Culture, Estonian Cultural Endowment, ClearChannel Outdoor Estonia, Eesti Ekspress, Hotel Braavo. |
First Faroese Opera ever : The Madman’s Garden
The opera The Madman’s Garden will be performed in Tallinn in September 2008. The opera by Sunleif Rasmussen and Danial Hoydal is the first of its kind in the Faroe Islands. The world premier was in October 2006 in Torshavn, the capital of the Faroe Islands. The opera is staged by the Estonian director Robert Annus. The opera will open in Tallinn’s Kultuurikatel, running September 10-12, starting 7pm. |