Cybercation ja Cyber Battle of Nordic-Baltics 2022
Koostöös CTF Techiga toimus 29. oktoobril Tartu Ülikooli spordihoones ingliskeelne küberharidusfoorum Cybercation. Foorumiga samaaegselt leidsid aset ka Cyber Battle of Estonia ja Cyber Battle of Nordic-Baltics eetilise häkkimise võistlused. Galeriist leiad fotograaf Jana Laigo (Barefoot Studio) jäädvustatud fotod sündmustelt.
We are proud to present you the photos from the Cybercation – Nordic-Baltic Educators’ Forum which took place on October 29, 2022 in Tartu, Estonia.The forum was organised by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ office in Estonia and CTF Tech. Cybercation is a side event of the Cyber Battle of Estonia and Cyber Battle of Nordic-Baltics and it brings together teachers and educational organizations, whose mission is to support ICT studies in the Nordic-Baltic region. Photographer Jana Laigo / Barefoot Studio.