Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration open for applications

The funding scheme for cooperation between Nordic and Baltic civil servants is open for applications from 15 January until 31 March 2025.
The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration will be open for applications from civil servants and other staff in the public sector from 15 January 2025. There is one application round in 2025, the deadline for submitting applications is 31 March 2025.
In order to obtain funding, your project should involve partners from at least three countries: Nordic applicants should visit a minimum of two Baltic countries, while Baltic applicants should visit partners in at least two Nordic countries.
Why apply?
- You and your colleagues in Nordic and Baltic countries have ideas, plans and experiences worth discovering and discussing with partners.
- Applying and reporting is easy and user friendly – all can be done online at NB8-Grants.
Results from 2024
36 applications from the Nordic-Baltic region were approved for granting with a total budget of 219 996 € in 2024. A total number of 240 civil servants are participating in the projects granted by the mobility programme during 2024/2025.
The statistical results of all participating countries in projects supported by the programme in 2024 are following (numbers behind the name of the country show in how many projects the country is participating in 2024 both as applicant and partner):

- The electronic application system at is open from 15 January 2025.
- Please read the guidelines carefully and start looking for project partners in good time.
- Register or log in if you are already a user of the mobility programme and start filling in the application – please note that you can fill in the application step by step up to the deadline.
- Do not forget to submit your application before the deadline – 31 March 2025 !
Feedback from project leaders
The cooperation project of Estonian archipelago representatives together with Estonian Islands Energy Agency visited the Baltic Sea islands in Åland, Gotland, Bornholm, Samsø, to create a better cooperation and network between Estonian, Danish, Swedish, Åland islands in sustainable energy cooperation. The project leader Sulev Alajõe, Directing Manager of Estonian Islands Energy Agency:
“The project resulted in increased visibility of Nordic-Baltic cooperation, higher quality and involvement in the Nordic-Baltic cooperation, knowledge transfer and more effective network cooperation in the area of green and sustainable energy solutions, exchange on best practices in respect of public administration and increased coordination of Nordic-Baltic utilisation of EU funds for joint project financing. Several new joint new projects were developed and other spin-off effects were created as a result of the project.
Together with our Nordic partners we had a possibility to improve the cross-border collaboration regarding Estonian archipelago situation on energy matters, positioning the whole Baltic Sea region better against global investors, looking for bigger volumes – a good example is the BSR countries’ potential to supply hydrogen for the whole region, incl. Germany. EU funds, including Interreg, will be at stake of the Baltic Energy Islands Connect network, to advance the decarbonization of islands. After studying other islands’ developments and achievements it is much easier to contact colleagues across the sea for best experiences and build joint initiatives.
Estonian archipelago representatives found the program extremely useful in setting their energy conversion and climate mitigation targets, excellent examples on this are engagement of people in renewable energy projects, the ability to connect even villages to district heating networks sourcing local straw and woodchips, hydrogen economy, waste management as a resource for energy, using bio-waste and providing locally produced biofuel. The whole program exceeded the expectations of our group. It seemed, that likewise, all hosts liked direct contact establishment and getting to know the Estonian archiplelago.”
About the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration
The programme offers grants for mobility and networking, the annual budget of the mobility porgramme 200 000 EUR, is financed by all NB8 countries – Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden. The purpose of the programme is to promote and strengthen cooperation, exchange of knowledge, and networking between public administration structures on all administrative levels in the Nordic-Baltic Region. The programme aims to facilitate the harmonization of more efficient working methods in the public sector. The overall goal is to increase the global competitive power of the region.
Madis Kanarbik, Programme Coordinator
Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia
Phone +372 5046570