Green and digital economy and socially sustainable development are supported with 130,000 euros

The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration supports cooperation projects with 130.000 EUR in 2021. The granted projects focus on green and digital economy and socially sustainable development
Over 100 employees of public sector from the Nordic-Baltic Region will participate in the projects granted by the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration in 2021.
The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration received 21 applications in 2021, the total sum applied was 153 638 EUR. The largest number of applications was submitted from Lithuania and Estonia (8 from both), 3 application came from Latvia and 1 from both Norway and Sweden. All Nordic and Baltic countries are quite evenly represented in the projects, as there are at least 3 Nordic and Baltic countries represented in each granted project. The total amount of allocated grants 129.443 EUR is devided between 20 projects. The biggest grant sum is 9000 EUR and the smalles 1740 EUR per one project.
“Although the total number of applications was cut down this spring due to Covid pandemics, most of the submitted applications are still very well prepared and of high quality,” said the programme coordinator Madis Kanarbik, head of the Tartu branch of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia. “A big part of the funded projects focus on green and digital economy and socially sustainable development of the Nordic-Baltic region, being well in line with the aims set by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Vision 2030.”
A good example of the projects supported by the mobility programme in 2021 is the project „Intelligent Nordic-Baltic Ecosystems“ initiated by Vänersborg Municipality in Sweden in collaboration with the local municipalities of Tartu in Estonia and Daugavpils in Latvia. The project sets the focus on digital transformation in municipal government and focusses on topics of open data, e-government and citizens participation. The project sets and aim to boost the public administration authorities of the participating cities to become the engines for the recovery of their local economy following the Covid-pandemics and strengthen citizen participation and wellbeing.
More information:
The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration offers grants for mobility and networking and is financed by all NB8 countries – Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden. The purpose of the programme is to promote and strengthen cooperation, exchange of knowledge, and networking between public administration structures on all administrative levels in the Nordic-Baltic Region. The programme aims to facilitate the harmonization of more efficient working methods in the public sector. The overall goal is to increase the global competitive power of the region.