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The joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research programme is now open for proposals

Nordic Energy Research CEO Hans Jørgen Koch and the previous Estonian Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure, Kadri Simson, sign the memorandum.

Nordic Energy Research is issuing a call for proposals for research project under the joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research programme. The programme is open for both Nordic and Baltic countries and aims to strengthen the common Baltic-Nordic knowledge on future challenges and developments.

Last year during the Nordic-Baltic energy conference in September Estonia had the great opportunity to be the first of the Baltic states to sign the new Nordic-Baltic research agreement. The agreement was signed by the previous Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure Kadri Simson on behalf of Estonia and Hans Jørgen Koch from Nordic Energy Research. By Friday the 26th of October it became clear that all three Baltic countries were ready to enter into the Baltic-Nordic energy research cooperation initiated by Nordic Energy Research (NER).

The goal of the agreement is to improve cooperation in the field of energy and to find regional solutions for the creation of future energy systems. This means joint scientific research and exchange programmes for researchers and doctoral students.

Nordic Energy Research is issuing a call for proposals for research project under the joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research programme.

This call of 4,5 million NOK (about 460 000 euro) aims to support three research projects of up to two years in length. Each project can be eligible for funding of up to 1,5 MNOK for the project period (2 years).

The thematic scope of the call is limited to one (or more) of the four areas of key interest for the Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme:

  • Decarbonisation of the transport sector
  • Energy efficiency in buildings and industry
  • Energy system analysis
  • Challenges and opportunities for regional electricity grids

The scope of the call covers technical/natural sciences and social science-based research on energy. These projects should aim to address research questions from a Baltic-Nordic perspective, and to focus on regional perspectives or to solve questions that will result in added Baltic-Nordic knowledge.

Proposal deadline is 11th of September 2019.

More information can be found on the Nordic Energy Research homepage.

For further questions please contact:

Adviser Kevin Johnsen
+47 47 85 07 82

Adviser Sofia Elamson
+47 47 25 47 32