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Eesti Päevaleht: Organisers happy with results of ‘Bringing talent home’ campaign

Siim Raie, director of the Office of the President of the Republic. Photo: Stefani Liivak/

“A seminar on migration was held at the Estonian Academy of Sciences last week which among other things examined the results of the ‘Bringing talent home’ project,” wrote journalist Tuuli Jõesaar in the 4 November edition of the Eesti Päevaleht newspaper. “Speaking about the project was Siim Raie, director of the Office of the President of the Republic and former president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.”

“We achieved more than we set out to, and not just in terms of numbers, but also in terms of the effect the campaign had ¬– it was an issue people really cared about,” Raie is quoted as saying in the article. “The feedback we got wouldn’t have been anywhere near as emotional as it was if they hadn’t.” The full article can be read (in Estonian) on the Eesti Päevaleht website or in the 4 November edition of the newspaper.

A summary of the ‘Smart migration policy’ seminar held at the Estonian Academy of Sciences on 31 October as well as photos and presentations can be found here.