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Media seminar studies the connections between politics and entertainment

On Thursday, 8 February the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia carries out a media seminar Elections as Entertainment. Speakers from Sweden, Finland and Estonia seek to address the issue of relations between politics and entertainment and their mutual impact. Seminar starts at 11 a.m in the premises of the hotel Three Sisters in Tallinn.

Seminar will focus on following themes: Whose interests does the current trend to increase the share of infotainment or pure political entertainment in media ahead of elections serve? Do entertainment broadcasts and articles focusing on a candidate’s private life activate the electorate and/or add information that will make it easier for the citizens to find a suitable person to elect into, for instance, parliament? Or does political entertainment undermine the credibility of a candidate and contribute to overshadowing more serious matters?

Moderator is Marica Lillemets, Chairperson of the Estonian Journalist Union (EAL).

Working languages are Estonian/English with simultaneous translation to and from both languages.

Read more here (Programme, presentation files)