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Funding Programmes for micro-and nanotechnologies

Nordic Innovation Centre (NICe) is coordinating the next call for proposal with EUs MNT ERA-Net, the network of European funding programmes for micro- and nanotechnologies (MNT). Through coordination of the Nordic MINT II call with the MNT ERA-Net call, NICe offers any Nordic applicant the possibility to add European partners into the consortium. The joint ambition is to commercialise existing research and boost the number of market-oriented and industry-relevant innovations.

Nordic MINT II attacks the problematic of commercialising micro- and nanotechnology. Our approach is to demystify the concept and point out practical, commercialisable applications that can be available and have impact on contemporary life; well-being, health care and safety solutions.

Deadline for pre-proposals: March 15th 2007

Nordic MINT II will focus on:

  • Surface treatment
  • Nanostructured materials
  • Sensor technology

Targeted application areas:

  • Healthcare & well-being
  • Lifestyle, food & packaging
  • Safety
  • Environmental technology
  • Sustainable energy systems (energy storage, fuel cells)

For complete call for proposal including specified themes, application procedures, eligibility criteria, and more, see: