Renowned Nordic comedies are performed in Estonia
The Nordic Drama Days this year focus on humour and what the Northerner laughs at. On March 30-31, Estonian professional actors and actresses will recite five new comedies from the current repertoire of different Nordic theatres. The audience will be able to enjoy absurd humour and situation humour, naturalistic irony and other things that usually make people laugh. |
The pieces chosen are popular in their home countries because authors have managed to detect and pinpoint relevant issues in society and put them into witty form. The pieces performed are Mikael Niemi’s Popmusic á la Vittula, based upon a novel that has received the most prestigious literature prize in Sweden; Norwegian cult writer, Erland Loe’s Penguine Help; Mobile Horror by the popular Finnish dramatist and director Juha Jokela; The Finnhorse by the renowned Finnish modern dramatist Sirkku Peltola and Store by Arto Salminen, also a Finn, who mainly writes black humour. Moreover, the critic Outi Lahtinen will talk about comedy in the Finnish theatre. On the second day of the festival participants can meet Juha Jokela, the author of Mobile Horror. Joking is sometimes the only way to talk about serious matters, which normally may seem dry and sententious. The Drama Days are arranged by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia, the NGO Nordplus, the Estonian Drama Theatre and the Finnish Institute. Additional financial support has come from The Swedish Embassy in Estonia, the Estonian Cultural Endowment Fund and Tallinn Cultural Heritage Department. Attendance is free of charge. Find out more here. |