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Nordic countries hope to see hydrogen-fuelled cars on their roads in three years

On the way towards hydrogen-fuelled carsIf everything goes according to plan, the Nordic countries will be covered in a network of economical hydrogen stations by 2012, enabling more people to drive hydrogen-fuelled cars.

The unavoidable truth is that the demand for transport in the world is ever-increasing, and with it dependence on fossil fuels. But fossil fuels won’t last forever, and tend to be sourced from regions which are politically unstable. Hydrogen fuel can be produced from renewable natural resources available to everyone such as the sun, the wind and biogas. What’s more, all it produces is water – no exhaust emissions whatsoever.
But in order for hydrogen to become a fuel of the future and to be more widely produced in an environmentally friendly way, some complex technical problems need to be solved first, taking into account the needs and wishes of industry and future drivers.
A study by Nordic H2 Energy Research says that the conditions are right in the Nordic countries for the development of hydrogen fuel. For a start, the five countries are all in the top 10 of the global growth/competitiveness index. With more than 24 million residents, the Nordic countries are not only wealthy but also brimming with research and development potential. The governments in the region have also adopted a positive attitude towards hydrogen fuel. Both Denmark and Norway have waived taxes on all hydrogen cars.

In order to solve problems, the Scandinavian Hydrogen Highway Partnership is currently looking for companies, researchers and state agencies that are interested in contributing to the project to create a network of hydrogen stations. The partnership network is offering scientists the chance to learn from the experiences of other experts in the field at the same time as the industry is being presented with the opportunity to join forces and thus boost its prospects for performance and success. According to a survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the market of hydrogen and other fuel elements is growing by 84% per annum – from 123 million US dollars in 2003 to 10.8 billion dollars by 2011.