Welfare society
The strength of the Nordic countries lies in their shared values, which in turn is what the welfare society in the region is based on. The values that the countries share are equal opportunities, social solidarity and security for all. All Nordic citizens must enjoy equal access to social and health care services, education and culture. The main aim of the welfare society is to enable everyone to be part of social life and the decision-making process. Although the welfare model in each state is slightly different, one of the cornerstones of all of them is gender equality.
However, there remains room for improvement in certain areas. These include the aging society; creating jobs for both young people and those of or approaching retirement age; keeping people approaching retirement age in the workforce; and integrating immigrants.
Over the years, we have worked and will continue to work fruitfully with various Estonian institutions and agencies on issues of gender equality, enfranchising the disabled, fighting human trafficking and prevention of domestic violence.
Find out more about the sustainable welfare model of the Nordic countries.
Held events
- Conference on Sexual Assault (8.05.2014)
- Nordic Forum: Challenges for Health Education in the Baltic Sea Region (19.11.2009)
- Nordic Forum: School violence – school, home and Internet (7.-8.02.2008)
- Nordic Forum: Future demographic challenges in a sustainable welfare society (24.10.2007)
- 15th Anniversary Seminar: Top of Europe: Welfare and Economic Growth (12.05.2006)
- Nordic Forum: Does Estonia need an influx and outflow of labour? (29.11.2005)
- Conference: Let’s Talk About the Gender Pay Gap! (12.-13.05.2011)
- Nordic Forum: Part-time time off? The rights and possibilities of mothers and fathers in obtaining parental leave and benefits and in returning to work (4.12.2007)
- Knowledge Forum III: Trafficking in Human Beings: Identification of Victims (3.-4.06.2015)
- Knowledge Forum II: Trafficking in Human Beings: Social Consequences (27.-28.11.2014)
- Expert Seminar: Trafficking in Human Beings: Legal Proceedings (12.-13.11.2014)
- Knowledge Forum I: Trafficking in Human Beings: Recruitment, Identification, Victim Support (24.04.2014)
- Nordic-Baltic conference: Identification of victims and criminals – why we do not notice them? (30.-31.05.2013)
- Nordic Forum: Pornography in the media and in society (8.06.2005)
- Seminar: First Joint Seminar of the Nordic and Baltic Countries – AGAINST TRAFFICKING IN WOMEN (29.-31.05.2002)
- Nordic-Baltic Campaign Against Trafficking in Women 2002-2003
- Nordic Forum: Disabled children and the development of supportive networks within local governments (5.12.2008)
- Nordic Forum: Supportive local governments – are they of key value to disabled children? (5.03.2008)
- Nordic Forum: What does the welfare of disabled children depend on? (15.-16.03.2007)
Nordic Council of Ministers’ publications on:
- Nordic welfare model
- welfare society
- working conditions
- labour and employment
- consumer protection
- welfare and gender equality
- human trafficking
Presentations from events
- Kai Koivumäki, Deputy Director & Operations manager, Nordic Welfare Center: Nordic Welfare Center and activity on Disability issues
- Leif Olsen, Senior Researcher, Danish Center for Social Science Research (VIVE):
Disability policy and current activities in Denmark &
Socio-economic analyses of built environments following the principles of universal design. Mapping literature and knowledge - Stina Sjöblom, Senior Researcher, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL): Disability policy and current activities in Finland
- Tóra við Keldu, Chairwoman, National Disability Umbrella Organisation (MEGD): Disability policy and current activities at Faroe Islands
- Anna Ida Hallgaard Jonsson, Project Officer, Tilioq: Disability policy and current activities in Greenland
- Ola Balke, Researcher, Swedish Agency for Participation (MfD): Disability policy and current activities in Sweden & How do the authorities in Sweden work to inform and engage the municipalities?
- Rasa Genienė, Adviser, Horizontal Policy and Project Management Group, Ministry of Social Security and Labour of Lithuania: Disability policy and current activities in Lithuania
- Aiga Lukašenoka and Dace Kampenusa, Ministry of Welfare of Latvia: Disability policy and current activities in Latvia
- Kadri Mets, Adviser of Social Welfare Department, Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia: Disability policy and current activities in Estonia
- Niina Kilpelä, Senior Architect, Ministry of the Environment of Finland: Accessible Buildings & Environments in Finland
- Cato Lie, Senior adviser at FFO (Norwegian Federation of Organizations of Disabled People): How we work with universal design and accessibility in Norway
- Katri Leikas, Adviser, Ministry of Justice of Finland: Partial reform of the Discrimination Act
- Anja Hynne Nielsen, Disability Ombudsman, Greenland: Handicaptalsmanden Tilioq – an institution to safeguard and promote the interests of persons with disabilities in society on the basis of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Kai Koivumäki, Operations Manager, Nordic Welfare Centre (NWC): General framework of the Nordic Disability Cooperation
- Eivind Digranes, Policy Advicer, Norwegian Association of Young People with Disabilities: Importance of including young people with disabilities in policy making & project activities
- Häli Tarum, Head of Social Welfare Department, Ministry of Social Affairs & Anneli Habicht, Estonian Chamber of Disabled people, Managing Director: Status of disability policy in Estonia
- Aiga Lukašenoka, Senior expert of Social Inclusion Policy department, Ministry of Welfare of Latvia: Disability policy in Latvia
- Daiga Eiduka, Chair of Latvian Child Welfare network: Main challanges for children and adults with disabilities in Latvia
- Egle Caplikiene, Chief Advisor, Ministry of Social Security and Labour: Main areas of social inclusion policy of persons with disability
- Dovile Juodkaite, President of Lithuanian Disability Forum: Association „Lithuanian disability forum“
- Lars Lindberg, Senior Adviser, NWC: Innovative solutions on inclusion in the labour market
- Merete Löberg, Senior Adviser (Children and youth), NWC: Participation among children and young people with disabilities
- Maria Montefusco, Senior Adviser, NWC and Council of Nordic Cooperation on Disability: Universal design, participation and democracy
- Ásmundur Einar Daðason, Islandi sotsiaal- ja võrdõiguslikkuse minister: Are compulsion and regulation required to bring about significant social change or is there another way.
- Risto E.J. Penttilä, tegevdirektor, Nordic West Office: So what? Thoughts on diveristy and equality
- Lisbeth Møller, associate, McKinsey & Company: „Bridging the talent gap in Denmark: Insights from female representation in STEM“
- Sara Salmani, mitmekesisuse ja kaasamise ekspert, Miltton: “So what if I’m bias?”
- Christian Berg, tegevdirektor, AllBright Stiftung: Diversity in Top Management
- Christer Haglund, Director, Nordic Council of Minister´s Office in Estonia: opening speech
- Full report of expert forum
- Zane Zvirgzdiņa, Legal Advisor, MARTA centre, Latvia: Transborder Cooperation between Denmark and Latvia – Case on Sexual Exploitation
- Sirle Blumberg, Director, Living for Tomorrow, Estonia: A story of three men
- Charlotta Thorelius, Development Manager, County Administrative Board of Stockholm, Sweden: When the victim disappear
- Diana Mubarakshina, Lawyer, St. Petersburg Center for International Cooperation of Red Cross, Russia: Assisting Victims of Human Trafficking in Russia
- Jari Kähkönen, Director, Joutseno Reception Centre, Finland: National Assistance System for Victims – Challanges and Solutions
- Alda Hrönn Jóhannsdóttir, Prosecutor, Reykjavik Metropolitan Police, Iceland: Trafficking in Human Beings in Iceland – Cooperation with Finland
- Knut Bråttvik, Police Superintendent, KRIPOS, Norway: ETUTU project (presentation 1, presentation 2)
- Kristiina Linna, Inspector, Regional State Administrative Agency for Southwestern Finland: Labour inspection and exploitation of foreign workers in Finland
- Roman Krõlov, Psychologist, NGO Eluliin, Estonia: What Helps a Victim to Leave the Trafficking Environment
- Pia Marttila, Coordinatior of Assistance to Victims of Human Trafficking, Victim Support Finland: The Challenges of addressing the needs of victims of internal and cross-border trafficking
- Thomas Laigaard, Social worker, Danish Centre Against Human Trafficking, Denmark: African Victims of Human Trafficking in Denmark
- Anu Leps, National Coordinator of THB, Ministry of Justice, Estonia: Estonian experience in combating THB
- Kit Andersen, Danish Police: Danish experience in combating THB
- Bengt Morten Wenstøb, Parliament of Norway and Nordic Council, Committee for Welfare in the Nordic Region: Challenges Today – the Parliaments and their Responsibilities
- Hildur Dungal, National coordinator, Ministry of Interior, Iceland: National mechanism in combating THB in Iceland
- Märta Johansson, Associate Professor, Örebro University, Sweden: Human trafficking: Legislation and enforcement
- Kirsi Pimiä, National Rapporteur on Human Trafficking, the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman, Finland: Finnish National Rapporteur on THB
- Laima Garneliene, Judge, Court of Appeal, Lithuania: Challenges of the courts – when is the criminal a victim of THB?
- Lāsma Stabiņa, National Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, Ministry of the Interior, Latvia: National Anti-Trafficking Coordination Mechanism in Latvia
- Lāsma Stabiņa, National Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, Ministry of the Interior, Latvia: Sham Marriages – A good Offer Ending with Human Trafficking
- Sonata Mickute, Chief Officer, Public Security and Public Order Division, Public Security Policy Department, Lithuania: National Rapporteur for THB in the Republic of Lithuania: appointment, tasks and data collection
- Thomas Ahlstrand, Vice Chief Prosecutor, International Public Prosecution Office, Gothenburg, Sweden: THB and beggars – experiences from a Swedish case
- Veli-Pekka Rautava, Chief Senior Specialist, Police Department, Ministry of Interior, Finland: The Finnish Anti-trafficking Coordination System
- Kajsa Wahlberg, Kajsa Wahlberg, National Rapporteur on Human Trafficking in Sweden, The Swedish Police, Stockholm, Sweden: National mechanism in combating THB in Sweden
- Ruslanas Ušinskas, Prosecutor of Klaipeda Region Prosecutor‘s Office, Lithuania: Human trafficking and forced marriages in prosecution – Lithuanian practice (presentation in Russian)
- Anna Eksted, National Coordinator of Prostitution and Human Trafficking, Stockholm County Council, Sweden: Trafficking in Human Beings and Prostitution in Sweden
- Christer Haglund, director of Nordic Council of Ministers´office in Estonia: opening speech of the conference
- Solutions and recommendations to identify victims and combat trafficking in human beings in the Nordic-Baltic region
- Arūnas Meška, Prosecutor, Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Lithuania: National Procedures and Challenges of Identification of Victims of Human Trafficking: Lithuanian Experience (in Lithuanian)
- Tomas Puškorius, Chief Investigator, Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau: Experience of Identification of Victims of Human Trafficking of the Lithuanian Police (in Lithuanian)
- Vytautas Lamauskas, Head of Unit, Public Police Board, Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior, Lithuania: Experience of Identification of Victims of Human Trafficking of the Lithuanian Police (in Lithuanian)
- Rudolf Christoffersen, Liaison Police Attorney for Norway, Eurojust: Prosecutor – Police Cooperation in Identification of Victims of Human Trafficking: Norwegian Practice
- Alda Hrönn Jóhannsdóttir, Deputy Commissioner, Metropolitan Police, Reykjavik, Iceland: The Role and Challenges of the Police in Identifying Victims of Human Trafficking in Iceland
- Maya Rusakova, Director, Regional NGO “Stellit”, Russia: Identification of Victims in St. Petersburg
- Märta Johansson, Senior Lecturer, Örebro University, Sweden: Identification of Human Trafficking: A Victim Perspective
- Leena Koivuniemi, District Prosecutor, Prosecutor’s Office of Inland Finland: Characteristics of Human Trafficking – Challenges for the Prosecutors
- Henrik Holm Sørensen, Police Inspector, Danish Police, Copenhagen: Victims versus Criminals – Challenges for the Police
- Kristiina Luht, Adviser, Department of Equality Policies, Ministry of Social Affairs, Estonia: Social Consequences for the Victims
- Lisa Green, Coordinator Against Human Trafficking, The Central Administration of Social Services, Malmö, Sweden: Regional Coordination of Combating Human Trafficking: Cooperation of Authorities, Police and NGOs
- Jan Widberg, Director of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia: Opening speech
- Maia Rusakova, Director, NGO Satellit, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation: Social Consequences for Victims of Trafficking
- Inkeri Mellanen, Adviser, Joutseno Reception Centre, Finland: Assistance and Rehabilitation of Female and Male Victims
- Inta Poudžiunas, Dr., Psychologist, Clinical Psychotherapist, NGO “Shelter Safe House”, Latvia: Who is the Victim? Who is the Criminal?
- Line Ruud Volebæk, Outreach Social Worker, Social and Welfare Agency, Oslo City Administration, Norway: Is It My Responsibility? Child Welfare Employee Responsibilities Understanding Children Exploited for Human Trafficking
- Marina Zemlyankh, Assistant Professor, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Special Pedagogic and Psychology, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation: Prevention of Teenagers in Social Institutions in St. Petersburg
- Anu Leps, National Coordinator of Trafficking in Human Beings, Ministry of Justice, Estonia: Victim’s Needs – Empowerment and Assistance
- Berglind Eyjólfsdóttir, Detective Inspector, Metropolitan Police, Iceland: The Role of Police – Challenges and Responsibilities
- Johannes Mosskin, Secretary General, Doctors of the World, Stockholm, Sweden: Undocumented Migrants and Health Services – Whose Responsibility?
- Giedre Purvaneckiene, MP, Parliament of Lithuania: Challenges and Roles of the National Parliaments
- Sonja Mandt, MP, Member of Nordic Council, Parliament of Norway: Challenges and Roles of the National Parliaments
- Björn Blomqvist, Chief Prosecutor, The Swedish Prosecution Authority: Opening speech
- Christina Voigt, Senior Public Prosecutor, The Swedish Prosecutor Authority, Stockholm: Berry picking case in Sweden
- Leena Koivuniemi, District Prosecutor, Prosecutors Office of Inland Finland: Restaurants case in Finland
- Helle Just Krag, Chief Prosecutor, Copenhagen Police; Camilla Brinch Rasmussen, Procecutor, Nordsjællands Police; Marie Kristine Scharling, Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Nordsjællands Police; Henrik Holm Sørensen, Investigation Team Leader, Danish Police: Cleaning case in Denmark
- Rudolf Christoffersen, Public Prosecutor, Hordaland Police District, Bergen, Norway: see the presentation from Knowledge Forum I below
- Einārs Zarāns, Criminal Police Inspector, State Police, Latvia: Sham marriages case in Latvia
- Dagfinn Høybråten, Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers: Opening speech
- Rudolf Christoffersen, Public Prosecutor, Regional Public Prosecution Office in Hordaland, Norway: Experience in Prosecuting THB Cases Involving Minors
- Olegas Šibkovas, Judge, Kaunas Regional Court, Lithuania: Court Proceedings and Recent Tendencies in THB Cases (in Russian)
- Jarle Bjørke, Police Superintendent, Hordaland Police District, Bergen, Norway: Identification of Victims – from Gender Perspective
- Anna Markina, Lecturer, Tartu University, Institute of Public Law, Estonia: Cross-border Labour Recruitment. Study on Exploitation of Migrant Workers in Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Lithuania
- Roman Krõlov, Rehabilitation Programme Co-ordinator, NGO Eluliin, Estonia: E-recruitment. Research on Prostitution in Latvia and Estonia: Current Tendencies
- Lāsma Stabiņa, Senior Desk Officer of Policy Elaboration Division, Sectoral Policy Department, Ministry of Interior, Latvia: Latvia’s Efforts to Assist Victims of Human Trafficking – New National Policy Planning Documents
- Natalia Zaibert, Researcher, St. Petersburg Department of the Russian Red Cross: Support for Victims of Human Trafficking in N-W Russia
- Christopher Ansell, Detective, European Communities Against Trafficking (ECAT) Project Support Coordinator, Metropolitan Police SCO7: UK Experience: Investigation of THB Cases
- Kathryn Hodges, Trustee, Women@Well, Senior Lecturer, Anglia Ruskin University: UK Experience: Methods of Outreach Social Work in Multicultural Environment
- Anna Ekstedt, Senior Adviser, Head of Task Force THB Unit, CBSS, Stockholm: Identified Victims and Available Assistance Possibilities for Victims in the Baltic Sea Region
- Johan Linander, MP, Swedish Parliament, BSPC Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings: Recommendations to the National Parliaments in the Nordic-Baltic Region
- Proposals by the experts (summary of roundtable discussions)
- Raigo Haabu (Police Colonel, Deputy Director General, Criminal Police Department of Estonian Police and Border Guard Board): Opening statement (in Estonian)
- Berth Sundström (Director, Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia): Welcome address
- Kati Miitra (State Prosecutor, Office of the Prosecutor General, Estonia): Leading Criminal Investigations and Collecting Evidence in the THB Cases
- Laima Garneliene (Judge, Court of Appeal, Lithuania): Evidence Related Problems in THB Cases
- Arturs Vaišļa (Expert, Former Head of Human Trafficking Unit of State Police (2003-2012), Latvia): Latvian Legislation on Combating Human Trafficking
- Sergei Andreitco (Professor of Constitutional and International Law, St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia): Combating Human Trafficking, Forced Labour and Sexual Exploitation in Russia
- Knut Bråttvik (Police Superintendent, National Criminal Investigation Service (KRIPOS), Norway): Social Dumping or Trafficking?
- Ago Tikk (Border Guard Major, Head of Risk Analysis Division, Intelligence Bureau, Border Guard Department, Police and Border Guard Board, Estonia): Irregular Migration, Borders and Profiling
- Jarle Bjørke and Andres Väliste (Police Superintendent, Head of Analysis Division, Organized Crime Section, Bergen Police, Norway & Chief Inspector, Senior Investigator, Division of Organised and Serious Crime, Crime Bureau, North Prefecture, Police and Border Guard Board, Estonia): Benefits of networking
- Knut Bråttvik (Police Superintendent, National Criminal Investigation Service (KRIPOS), Norway): European Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR): Bilateral Co-operation Between Lithuania and Norwegian Police in Cases Related to THB
- Petri Lamppu (Detective Chief Inspector, Senior Investigator, South-West Finland Police): Case Erik
- Carsten Ahrends and John Vorbeck Petersen (Police Superintendent, Copenhagen Police, Central Investigation Department & Project Manager, Danish Customs and Tax Administration, Denmark): Cooperation Between Police and Tax Authorities in Denmark
- Presentations and training materials from the conference on sexual assault (8.05.2014, Tallinn)
- Mika Salminen: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) activities on: HIV/AIDS, STI, hepatitis
- Line Anne Roien: The Danish Experience: Introduction to Health and Sex Education in Denmark, Teaching Methodologies
- Mika Salminen: Integration of Sexual Health Education and STI/HIV Prevention into the School Curriculum in Finland
- Alisa Ivanova: Organization of work on HIV prevention on a systematic basis in governmental educational institutions: St. Petersburg experience
- Alisa Ivanova: Организация систематической работы по профилактике ВИЧ-инфекции в государственных образовательных учреждениях: опыт Санкт-Петербурга
- Oleg Yeresko: Intersectoral cooperation for HIV prevention: skills-based health education in Ukraine
- Allan Puur: Challenges of Contemporary Population Development: Baltic Countries in Comparative Perspective
- Max Petzold: Demographic Trends Challenging the Nordic Welfare Societies – focusing on public health
- Tryggvi Felixson: Sustainable Development – the social dimension
- Anna Santesson: Swedish Labour Migration Policy
- Halldór Grönvold: Developments and Challenges of Icelandic Labour Migration Policy
- Martti Kulvik: Insights into Finland: Sustainable Development as Growth Factor
- Ossian Stiernstrand: TOP of EUROPE: WELFARE and ECONOMIC GROWTH
- Per Unckel: The potential of the Nordic – Baltic Region” or ”Top of Europe”
- Ragnhildur Arnljótsdóttir: Family Politics Promoting Economic Growth
- Jaakko Kiander: Nordic welfare – a burden for economic growth?
- Speakers and Presentations from the conference on pay gap (12-13 May 2011)
- Ann-Zofie Duvander: Family Policy in the Swedish Welfare Society: Focus on Childcare and fertility
- Sigríður Lillý Baldursdóttir: Activating Fathers. The Icelandic way
- Siv Hellén: THE RIGHT OF THE CHILD TO HAVE TWO PARENTS: The model of the Nordic Investment Bank
- Sari Näre: Visual Harassment, Intimized Culture and Sexualization of Public Space
- Anette Dina Sørensen: Pornophication and gender stereotyping in mass culture in Denmark
- Bente Ramsing Özgür: Final report: A One Year Project with Focus on Deafblindness in Kaliningrad, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (2010)
- Nuutti Hiltunen: Nordic experience — Good Practice in Provision of Assistive Technologies to Municipality
- Inge Storgaard Bonfils: User involvement through Disability Councils
- Kitt Boel: Nordic experience of cooperation between families and local authorities, from parents view
- Sirpa Niemi & Gunilla Jæger: Children with disabilities and their families
- Torhild Andersen: Experiences from TaKT -a program aimed at improving the organization of the municipal services available to children with reduced functional ability and their families
- Gunilla Jaeger: Respite care provision – an example of a long standing cooperation with local municipalities
- Gerd Juel Homstvedt: Social welfare System in Norway concerning disabled children and their families. How the services are provided, the attitude and strategy behind
- Gerd Juel Homstvedt: Peer Counselling in Norway
- Lena Birch Christiansen: A disabled child is above all a child
- Marianne Smedegaard: Presentation of the Nordic-Baltic co-operation program concerning disabled children and their family
- Eija Roisko: Possibilities of Communication of Children with Disabilities
- Anna-Liisa Salminen: Assistive technology to support a disabled child at home – information sources
Nordic cooperation organisations and institutions
- Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues
- Equal Climate – Gender and Climate Change from a Nordic Perspective
- Nordic School of Public Health (closed)
- Nordic Institute for Advanced Training in Occupational Health
- Nordic Information on Gender
- Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being