Green economy and sustainable development
The governments of the Nordic countries have set themselves an ambitious goal – to turn the region into Europe’s testing ground for clean energy and environmental technology. This includes adapting to climate change and limiting its effects; renewable energy; accelerating green economic growth; more sustainable organisation of traffic and movement of people; ensuring biological diversity; the green production cycle; and re-use of resources.
Politicians, experts and officials from the Nordic countries and Estonia are working together to determine shared goals in the fields of the environment, the climate and energy, primarily through meetings and conferences, but also through joint studies and analysis.
Undertakings in this field are expensive and their impact is far-reaching, which means that coordination and cooperation are vital – whether they take the form of environmental investments, support schemes for renewable energy or stimulation of the green economy. We support agencies and institutions working on climate, environment and energy issues in the Nordic countries and Baltic States as partners in such undertakings.
In 2011, when we marked our 20th anniversary in Estonia, we launched the Rohevik green growth forum, which focusses to the future – one that will be built on a sustainable and environmentally friendly way of life. We also introduce the Nordic eco-label.
We try to manage our everyday work at the office as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible. We have adopted an environmental policy for the office in order to do that.
Podcast about the future economy of the Nordic countries
Held events
- Conference: Energy Union implications and implementation in the Nordic countries and Baltic States (11.-12.05.2016)
- Conference: Integration of Renewable Electricity and Future Electricity Market Designntegration of Renewable Electricity and Future Electricity Market Design (26.-27.02.2015)
- Green Growth Forum ‘Rohevik’ (25.09.2015)
- Conference: Climate from the Nordic-Baltic Perspective: Science, Policy, Economy (23.-24.10.2013)
- Green Growth Forum ‘Rohevik’ (26.10 Tartu and 27.10.2013 Viljandi)
- Green Growth Forum ‘Rohevik’ (18.-19.10 Tallinn and 25.-26.10.2012 Tartu)
- Green Growth Festival ‘Rohevik’ (15.-17.09.2011)
- Seminar: Green Marketing – Sustainable Growth (16.11.2010)
- Nordic Forum: Use of bioenergy and opportunities for cooperation in the Nordic countries and Baltic States (20.10.2009)
- Nordic Forum: Sustainable development in the Nordic countries and the Baltic States (7.12.2006)
- Nordic Forum: Natura 2000 – for a sustainable living environment (5.11.2004)
- Nordic Forum: The financial mechanisms of sustainable energy (4.11.2003)
Presentations from our events
- Pierre Tardieu, Policy Officer, Wind Energy Europe: Bright future for off-shore wind? Challenges in the Nordic-Baltic region.
- Hando Sutter, CEO of Enefit/Eesti Energia: Bright future for off-shore wind? Challenges in the Nordic-Baltic region
- Gatis Silovs, Head of Energy Finance, Ministry of Economics: Latvian experience with energy efficiency programmes
- Julie Kjestrup, Interim Head of Group Public Affairs & Sustainability, Danfoss: Energy efficiency in the building sector: The Renovation Wave in the public and private sectors
- Simon Bennett, Innovation Lead for Energy Supply and Investment Outlooks at the International Energy Agency: Energy system integration for net-zero
- Aad van Bohemen, Head of the Energy Policy and Security Division, International Energy Agency (IEA): How are the Nordics and Baltics performing in a global and European context in renewables, in energy efficiency and in innovative technologies? The “eagles view “of Nordics and Baltics on the way toward 2030.
- Dolf Gielen, Director, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA): Are renewable technologies coming faster than expected? What are the drivers and where are we heading?
- Vasco Ferreira, DG Energy, EU Commission: Status for the NECP’s. How are the members doing 3 months before delivery date? Is this enough to reach the 1,5 degree climate target? What does the Commission expect from the 2050 strategy discussion?
- Martin Collignon, Member at the Danish Youth Climate Council and COO of ElectricityMap: What are the solutions for the future and next generation?
- Jean Arnold Vinois, Adviser on the Energy Union, Jacques Delors Institute: From 2007 Energy Policy for Europe to 2030 policies. 28 plans. Convergence or divergence. What can be the priorities of renewed EU institutions?
- Markku Kinnunen, Chief Counsellor at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland: Update on the NECPs and the need for regional coordination
- Andrejs Apanuks, Ministry of Economics of Latvia: National Energy and Climate plan – regional interaction and linkage
- Lars Georg Jensen, Coordinator NECP, Danish Energy Agency: National Energy and Climate Plan in the making
- Knut Aanstad, VP Offshore Wind Business Development, Equinor: The prospects for offshore wind in the European energy transition to 2030 and beyond
- Berit Tennbakk, Partner at THEMA Consulting Group: BEMIP offshore wind study. Are there opportunities in the Baltic Sea for offshore wind?
- Andris Vanags, Fortum Latvia and Latvian Federation for Renewable energy: Bioenergy in Latvia 2030
- Andres Meesak, CEO Estonian PV Association: Potential and trends of solar harnessing in the Nordic-Baltic region
- Ingvild Ombudstvedt, Owner/Lawyer, IOM Law: Paving the way for deployment of CCUS. A report from the Baltic carbon forum
- Dovile Almanyte-Zdanaviciene, Head of Climate change management policy group, Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania: 100 percent renewables in 2050? How could RES policy instruments still do a difference?
- Thomas Björkman, Project manager, Swedish Energy Agency (STEM): Energy efficiency in industry – a policy case
- Marek Strandberg, Expert and consultant on energy and climate, Tallinn Energy Agency: Decarbonisation plan for energy sector
- Kalle Kilk, Elering, TSO Estonia: The future work towards 2030 on strengthening the Baltic grid between the Baltics
- Mette Quinn, Head of Unit for EU ETS Implementation at European Commission, DG Climate Action: Reducing Climate Change: The EU’s policy experience, including positive and negative interactions between policies
- Ansis Zbanovs, Electrical Engineer, AS “Augstsprieguma tīkls (AST): Perspectives on the generation adequacy on the Baltic TSO- side
- Anders Pallesen Jensen, Head of Security of Supply, Energinet Denmark: Perspectives on the generation adequacy and SOS from the Nordic TSO-side
- Liutauras Varanavicius, Director, Litgrid: Is desynchronization in 2025 still within reach?
- Rota Šņuka, Latvian NRA (regulator): How to break the silos between gas and electricity markets?
- Leonardo Zannier, Energy Policy coordination team, DG ENER: An overview of the final governance regulation. What does the Commission expect from the EU member states and how will the iterative process with member states take place?
- Peter Zeniewski, Energy Analyst, World Energy Outlook, International Energy Agency: How could the new governance system in the EU’s energy policies for 2030 change the world energy outlook as seen from the IEA? How does the IEA consider the progress and outlook in the Nordic and Baltic countries?
- Karl Kivinurm, Strategy Manager, Elering: The power of digitalization in the new policy framework. How will new technologies influence future consumers? The role of TSOs in new market design.
- Daniel Becker, Director, Navigant: Where is the European region going? What are the scenarios and the major technology drivers? What are the impacts from governance or markets?
- Morten Boje Blarke, Danish Energy Agency: The case of Denmark.
- Madis Laaniste, Head of Strategic Planning, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication: The case of Estonia.
- Emma Thornberg, Head of Section, Ministry of Energy: The case of Sweden.
- Tomas Lukosevicius, Head of International Cooperation and Planning Division, Ministry of Energy of Lithuania Ministry of Energy of Lithuania: The case of Lithuania.
- Knut Kroepelien, Eurelectric/Energi Norge: Viewpoints from the electricity Industry.
- Raul Potisepp, Elektritransport LLC, Estonia: What can electromobility contribute towards the 2030 goals?
- Peep Siitam, Estonian Wind Power Association, Team Paldiski: The Baltic Sea – a favourable place for offshore wind power?
- Ragnar Ottosen, Nordic Commodities: Opportunities in the region for new products on the demand side.
- Juozas Abaravicius, project manager, Litgrid: The fundamental challenges of energy security. Synchronization and desynchronization.
- Leonardo Zannier, DG ENER, EU Commission: The challenge of interaction between governance and the renewables directive. How should it be read?
- Andrej Apanuks, Director of the Department of Sustainable Energy Policy, Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia: What are the challenges of energy efficiency in a liberalized market?
- Ove Flataker, Director of independent regulator (NRA), Norway: The regional challenges in market integration and market design, and interdependence with other dimensions.
- Jarmo Heinonen, Director, Bioeconomy and Cleantech, Innovation Funding Agency, Finland: How does innovation support energy transition in Finland
- Hans Jørgen Koch, Director, Nordic Energy Research: Lessons from Nordic energy technology efforts. Best practices and better cooperation with the Baltics. Reflections on regional cooperation and opportunities.
- Raimond Tamm, Vice Mayor of Tartu, Estonia: Lessons to be learnt and policy responses at the local level. Examples from a Baltic city.
- Mårten Westrup, Energy Policy Co-ordination team leader, DG Energy, European Commission: Progress and governance
- Claudia Canevari, Deputy Director of Energy Efficiency Unit, DG ENERGY: New energy efficiency directives
- Dzintars Kaulins, Director, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Department, Ministry of Economics, Latvia: Latvia and Energy Efficiency Directive recast: progress achieved and way forwardrecast: progress achieved and way forward
- Dirk Hendricks, Senior Policy Adviser, European Renewable Energies Federation: The winter package essentials for the renewable sector
- Eva Centeno López, Swedish Ministry of Environment and Energy: Sweden´s view on EU-policy for renewable energy after 2020
- Dovile Almanyte, Head of Unit, Renewable Energy Sources Division, Ministry of Energy, Lithuania: Lithuanian perspective: renewable energy
- Jaanus Uiga, Expert, Department of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia: Renewable Energy and Clean Energy Package Estonian view Clean Energy Package Estonian view
- Samuel Thomas, Senior Programme Manager, International Energy Agency (IEA): Presentation 1: Can the Nordic and Baltic countries do an even better job in renewable energy and energy efficiency? Presentation 2: What are the main challenges facing energy efficiency?
- Mari Hegg Gundersen, Head of Unit, Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Administration, Norway: The winter package – seen from Norway
- Daniel Becker, Managing Partner, Ecofys: How to build viable policies around energy transition and climate change mitigation?around energy transition and climate change mitigation?
- Pentti Puhakka, Chief Counsellor, Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Employment, Finland: Energy efficiency directive update: Finnish approach
- Madis Laaniste, Head of Strategy, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia: Implementation of the EED in Estonia and outlook for the EED reviewEstonia and outlook for the EED review
- Clas-Otto Wene, Wenergy AB, Sweden: Learning curves and government deployment programmes challenge conventional economic wisdomchallenge conventional economic wisdom
- Ragnar Ottosen, Nordic Commodities AS, Norway: Decentral Flexibility Marketplace Investments in Energy EfficiencyInvestments in Energy Efficiency
- Knut Kroepelien, Senior Policy and Legal adviser, Energy Norway: Can market-compatible renewable policies address climate change and security of supply?policies address climate change and security of supply?
- Mårten Westrup, Team Leader, DG ENERGY A.1, European Commission: Energy Union – State of play and next steps
- Dr. Ute Collier, Senior Programme Leader, International Energy Agency: Renewable energy and energy efficiency performance in Nordic and Baltic countries – lessons for 2030
- Claudia Canevari, Deputy Head – Energy Efficiency Unit DG ENER, European Commission: Energy efficiency and the Energy Union: where we are. Where we will be.
- Madis Laaniste, Head of Strategy, Strategic Planning Manager Energy Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia: Energy efficiency in Estonia
- Signe Marie Enghave, Advisor, Danish Energy Agency: Energy efficiency in Denmark
- Jouni Kivirinne, Business Development Manager, Helen OY, Finland: Urban energy efficiency based to CHP-CHC DHC
- Harald von Heyden, Enfo AS, Norway: Country and industry interventions in Norway
- Dr. Ute Collier, Senior Programme Leader, International Energy Agency: Renewable energy towards 2030: markets vs subsidies?
- Ruta Baltause, Policy Officer, DG Energy – European Commission: EU Renewable Energy Policy – regional cooperation
- Ash Sharma, Special Adviser for Climate Change, Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO): Climate Financing for a Low Carbon Tomorrow
- Aija Timofejeva, Director of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Department, Ministry of Economics, Latvia: Renewable energy policy – now and tomorrow
- Eva Centeno López, Deputy Director, Energy Division, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Sweden: Sweden´s renewable energy policies towards 2020 and 2030
- Anja Liukko,Government Counsellor, Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Finland: Renewable energy policies towards 2020 and 2030
- Dirk Hendricks, Senior Policy Advisor, EREF: Industry perspectives on renewable energy policies towards 2020 and 2030
- Jens Bjöörn, Senior Manager Public Affairs, Fortum: Transition towards solar economy is ongoing
- Knut F. Kroepelien, Senioe Policy and Legal Adviser, Energy Norway: Rethinking European measures for renewable energy towards 2030
- Antonio Lopez-Nicolas, Policy Officer, DG Energy, European Commission: Framework for Climate & Energy #EU2030
- Simon Müller, Energy Analyst, System Integration of Renewables, Renewable Energy Division, International Energy Agency: Renewable Electricity – Deployment Outlook, System Integration and Market Design
- Madis Laaniste, Head of Strategy, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia: Renewable Energy Policy Framework: Estonia
- Johan Vetlesen, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Norway: Renewable energy policy framework in Norway
- Gustav Ebenå, Head of Unit, Swedish Energy Agency, Sweden: Renewables in Sweden
- Andreea Tanasa, Programme Assistant – EU Policies, DG Energy, European Commission: Looking beyond the Third Energy Package. Projects of Common InterestPackage. Projects of Common Interest
- Ramūnas Bikulčius, Head of Strategy and Research Division, Transmission System Operator “LITGRID”, Lithuania: Security of supply –desynchronizing Baltics from Russia and backing generation adequacy in the Nordic-Baltic area. Beyond BEMIP and way forward in regional cooperation on energy infrastructure
- Ingrid Arus, Head of Electricity Markets Department, Elering, Estonia: Cooperation between the Nordic and the Baltic power systems in Electricity Balancing
- Athanasios Troupakis, Market Advisor, ENTSO-E: Future Energy Market Design and Need for New Network Codes
- Karin Widegren, Adviser to the Director-General, Market Design and Technology Development, Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate: New challenges for national regulators beyond the third package
- Keit Pentus-Rosimannus, Estonian Minister of the Environment: welcome address
- Lena Ek, Swedish Minister of the Environment: welcome address
- Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Research Manager, Danish Meteorological Institute: Latest findings in climate science & their relevance for regional climate change
- Simon Upton, Director of Environment Directorate, OECD: What dealing with climate change means for government policies
- Artur Runge-Metzger, Director of International and Climate Strategy, DG CLIMA, EC: Climate policy beyond 2020
- Robert Tromop, Head of Energy Efficiency Unit, IEA: Outlook for energy and resources
- Kaja Peterson, Senior Expert, Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, Estonia: Biodiversity in changing climate
- Erika Jorgensen, Economic Adviser, World Bank: Climate driven investments
- Maxi Nachtigall, Adviser of Expert Group on Sustainable Development – BALTIC 21, Council of the Baltic Sea States: A strategy and action plan for adaption to climate change in the Baltic Sea Region
- Jon Kahn, Director, MoE, Sweden: Climate policy in Sweden
- Merja Turunen, Senior Environmental Adviser and Head of the Climate Change Group, MoE, Finland: Climate policy in Finland
- Ilze Pruse, Director of Climate and Environmental Policy Integration Department, MoE, Latvia: Climate policy in Latvia
- Stasile Znutiene, Head of Climate Change Policy Division, MoE, Lithuania: Climate policy in Lithuania
- Meelis Münt, Deputy Secretary General, MoE, Estonia: Climate policy in Estonia
- PhD Atte Korhola, Professor of Environmental Change, Division of Environmental Change and Policy, University of Helsinki, Finland: Indirect approaches to climate mitigation: The Hartwell Paper
- Ulrika Olausson, Professor, Jönköping University, Sweden: Media and citizens about the climate issue
- Benjamin Donald Smith, Senior Advisor, Nordic Energy Research: Nordic countries – climate neutral by 2050. Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives
- Valdur Lahtvee, Senior Expert, Stockholm Environment Institute in Tallinn, Estonia: Opportunities for Low-Carbon Economy in Estonia
- Jon Kahn, Director, Ministry of the Environment, Sweden: Nordic Contribution to a low-emission economy
- Fredrik Hannerz, Head of Section, Ministry of the Environment, Sweden: Targeting short-lived climate pollutants – way to success
- Outi Honkatukia, Senior Adviser of Economics Department, Ministry of the Finance, Finland: Phasing out fossil subsidies
- Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, Professor of Forest Science, Agricultural University of Iceland: Forest ecosystems in changing climate
- Karoliina Niemi, Senior Adviser on Forestry, Finnish Forest Industries Federation: Sustainably managed forests – key actoors in the mitigation of climate change
- Anders Lindroth, Professor, University of Lund, Sweden: The role of CO2 in the atmosphere – sources and sinks
- Andres Tarand, Climate Expert, Former Member of European Parliament, Estonia: Continuing correction of air temperature in the Baltic Sea region
- Kadri Koppel, Lecturer of Sustainable Development, The Urban Lab, Estonia: Spacial planning as a tool for climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Survey on Ecolabelling in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and North-West Russia: Special Focus on Nordic Eco-label
- Nordic Ecolabelling: Steps
- Regulations for Nordic Ecolabelling (December 2001)
- Mats Ekenger: Nordic Ecolabelling
- Jani Niemi: The Nordic Swan – Gateway to the Nordic Markets
- Hanna Sauroja: The Nordic Swan – presentation 2013
- John Grant: Green Marketing
- Annika Lindblom: The Finnish Model on Sustainable Development: Boosting involvement and ownership
- Sigrún Helgadottír: Environmental awareness and education from an NGO point of view
- Oystein Saetrang: Sustainable production and consumption, including public procurement
- Loa Bogason: How to measure sustainable development?
- Tryggvi Felixsson: The Nordic Council of Ministers and Strategies for Sustainable Development
- Helge Brunborg: Social and demographic challenges for sustainable development
- Thomas Sterner: Economic Instruments and Sustainability
- Conference ‘Smart Energy Solutions’ (Green Growth Forum in Tartu, 25.-26.10.2012)
- Conference ‘Policy Challenges on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’ (Green Growth Forum in Tallinn, 18.-19.10.2012)
- Rurik Holmberg: Perspectives for R&D in bioenergy in the Baltic States. Is there now a window of opportunity?
- Emma Petersson: Nordic Energy Research and our work regarding bioenergy
- Vida Rozite: Energy efficiency in the built environment
- Hans Larsen: The Economic influence of Carbon Taxes
- Anil Markandya: Analysis of a Carbon Tax in Estonia
- Valdur Lahtvee: Impact of Carbon Taxes – Entrepreneur’s View