Fusion of food and culture
Clean, fresh, seasonal ingredients; healthy eating and lifestyles; simple but smart, skilful and contemporary cooking; an innovative food industry: these are the keywords of New Nordic Food.
The culinary and cultural cooperation fostered by the Nordic Council of Ministers (i.e. the government of the Nordic countries) since 2006 represents much more than merely better and more informed eating: New Nordic Food unites identity, gastronomy, business, tourism, design and regional cooperation.
Estonian food culture is similar to that of the Nordic countries in many ways. Leading figures in the world of Estonian gastronomy think about, prepare and season food according to the same principles as their Nordic counterparts, says Dimitri Demjanov from the Culinary Institute of Estonia.
We have encouraged Estonian chefs to seek inspiration in New Nordic Food and paved the way for cooperation between representatives of Estonian and Nordic food cultures. We have also organised food safety and quality seminars and masterclasses for students from vocational schools, fostered cooperation between companies, provided help to journalists and more.