Nordic-Baltic Energy conference 2017: program
Time: 3-4 May 2017
Venue: Nordic Hotel Forum (Viru väljak 3), Tallinn
Conference language: English
Wednesday, 3 May
Welcome notes
- Christer Haglund, Director, Nordic Council of Minister´s Office in Estonia
- Meelis Münt, Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Environment of Estonia
- Kjell-Børge Freiberg, State Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy Norway (Chairmanship of Nordic Council of Ministers)
Policy session. Key notes on State of play of Energy Union and governance.
- Status on the Energy Union process. What does good governance towards 2030 and beyond actually mean?
Mårten Westrup, Energy Policy Co-ordination team leader, DG Energy, European Commission - Can the Nordic and Baltic countries do an even better job in renewable energy and energy efficiency?
Samuel Thomas, Senior Programme Manager, International Energy Agency (IEA) - EU Energy Governance – an opportunity to enhance the convergence of national actions towards a low carbon economy in Europe.
Jean Arnold Vinois, Jaques Delors Institute
- Status on the Energy Union process. What does good governance towards 2030 and beyond actually mean?
Quick coffee break
- Interaction between good governance and technology development and dissemination. The Nordic past experiences and future aspirations.
Hans Jørgen Koch, Director, Nordic Energy Research - How to build viable polices around energy transition and climate change mitigation?
Daniel Becker, Managing Partner, Ecofys
- Interaction between good governance and technology development and dissemination. The Nordic past experiences and future aspirations.
Energy efficiency session
- What are modifications in the new legislative proposal on Energy Efficiency? How will the “energy efficiency first” concept be implemented?
Claudia Canevari, Deputy Director of Energy Efficiency Unit, DG ENERGY - What are the main challenges in the energy efficiency according to the Paris think tank IEA?
Samuel Thomas, Senior Programme Manager, International Energy Agency (IEA) - What are the main challenges in negotiations on the way to a final EU adoption? National positions.
Pentti Puhakka, Chief Counsellor, Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Employment, Finland
Signe Marie Enghave, Adviser, Centre for Energy Efficiency and Global co-operation, Danish Energy Agency
Madis Laaniste, Head of Strategy, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia
Dzintars Kaulins, Director, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Department, Ministry of Economics, Latvia
- What are modifications in the new legislative proposal on Energy Efficiency? How will the “energy efficiency first” concept be implemented?
Quick break
Session for Market Design and Business models
What will be the link to the electricity market design and demand side issues? What should be the link between new policies on EE and the new governance system? What are the views on opportunities from concrete cooperation in industry and research?
- Catering for future business models
Kalle Kukk, Strategy Manager, Elering (Estonian TSO) - Learning curves and government deployment programmes challenge conventional economic wisdom
Clas-Otto Wene, Wenergy AB, Sweden - Experiences from pilot projects in the Baltics. Industry cooperation on smart grids and smart houses
Ragnar Ottosen, Nordic Commodities AS, Norway
- Catering for future business models
Reception / Buffet
Thursday, 4 May
Keynotes on renewable energy policy context
- The new directive on renewable energy. The main content and the potential for improvements in the EU policy framework. Is a directive without national targets and burden sharing the way forward?
Claudia Canevari, Deputy Director of Energy Efficiency Unit, DG ENERGY - Can market-compatible renewable policies address climate change and security of supply?
Knut Kroepelien, Senior Policy and Legal adviser, Energy Norway
- The new directive on renewable energy. The main content and the potential for improvements in the EU policy framework. Is a directive without national targets and burden sharing the way forward?
Renewable energy country and industry session
- The Winter package essentials for renewable sector.
Dirk Hendricks, Senior Policy Adviser, European Renewable Energies Federation - What are the main points in negotiations? Nordic and Baltic positions. Security of supply and market design.
Mari Hegg Gundersen, Head of Unit, Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Administration, Norway
Eva Centeno-López, Ministry of Energy, Sweden
- The Winter package essentials for renewable sector.
Quick break
- Dovile Almanyte, Head of Unit, Renewable Energy Sources Division, Ministry of Energy, Lithuania
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia, tbc - Jaanus Uiga, Expert, Department of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia
- Dovile Almanyte, Head of Unit, Renewable Energy Sources Division, Ministry of Energy, Lithuania
Panel debate
Wrap up and closing
- Johan Vetlesen, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Norway