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Speakers: energy conference 2016




Date: 11-12 May 2016
Venue: Nordic Hotel Forum, Tallinn, Estonia
Language: English

Christer Haglund

Christer Haglund

Director of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia

Ando Leppiman

Ando Leppiman

Vice-chancellor of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia

Hannu Lipponen

Hannu Lipponen

Senior Advisor, Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Finland

Nordic co-operation on energy efficiency and renewable energy are increasingly influenced by EU energy policy. This was seen in the 2015 meeting of the Nordic Energy Ministers. Regional cooperation is in the focus in the Energy Union. The Nordic and Baltic countries have a common electricity market. There are not, however, established fora for dialogue on EE and RES between the NB8 countries. This conference serves as a good start for the future dialogue.

Mårten Westrup

Mårten Westrup

Team Leader at the EU Commission

The Energy Union Strategy adopted by the European Commission in February 2015 is now beeing implemented and 2016 is a crucial year. Policy actioon at EU and national level across the five dimensions of the Energy Union is necessary to meet its objectives. Enhanced governance and regional cooperatioon will be key tools to ensure coherence.

Ute Collier

Ute Collier

Senior Programme Leader of the International Energy Agency (Renewable Energy Division)

Dr. Ute Collier gives two presentations at the conference. Renewable energy deployment and energy performance vary significantly between countries. The first presentation will explore drivers for this variation and highlight some lessons learnt. Renewable energy deployment will have to be scaled up significantly towards 2030 – not only in power but also in the heat and transport sectors. The second presentation will explore to what extent markets can be relied on to deliver this scale-up and what type of policy support will be needed.

Jean Arnold Vinois

Jean Arnold Vinois

Adviser of the Jacques Delors Institute

The Energy Union offers a unique opportunity to optimize the European energy resources and infrastructures, in a spirit of solidarity. It requires to adopt an holistic approach to energy, putting the consumer at the centre. While pursuing the reduction of GHG, the promotion of renewables and energy efficiency, the Energy Union should build on the major evolution of the energy sector driven by the diversification of sources of energy, innovation, digitalisation and empowerment of consumers.

Hans Jørgen Paludan-Müller Koch

Hans Jørgen Paludan-Müller Koch

CEO of the Nordic Energy Research

Heading towards 2030 targets and building on regional co-operation.

Claudia Canevari

Claudia Canevari

Deputy Head of Unit of the DG Energy, EU Commission

Madis Laaniste

Madis Laaniste

Head of Strategy of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia

Looking the years ahead until 2030, the key questions in energy efficiency are: will the markets deliver and what would be appropriate level of governmental intervention? In its long-term energy efficiency policy, Estonia will focus on buildings, transport and resource efficiency in industry. What are the reasons behind that and how we are planning to achieve our 2030 goals domestically? Is there a potential for regional synergies?

Toril Johanne Svaan

Toril Johanne Svaan

Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Norway

We are regulating energy markets bacause we are concerned about efficient use of resources. Still energy efficiency is adressed as a special issue. I will try to put this into context.

Signe Marie Enghave

Signe Marie Enghave

Advisor of the Danish Energy Agency

Signe Marie Enghave will give an introduction to the energy efficiency policies in Denmark.

Jouni Kivirinne

Jouni Kivirinne

Business Development Manager of the Helen OY (Helsinki Energy Company), Finland

Urban enviroment is more than set of separate buildigs. It is an ecosystem, that consists of buildings, humans, companies, traffic and other infrastructures as service- and technical infrastructure, including energy systems. Modern energy infrastructure integrates with buildings. With integrated system we at Helen LTD have reached new ways to create value for our customers and simultaneosly increse use of renewable energy as required by directives RES, EED and EPBD.

Harald von Heyden

Harald von Heyden

Enfo AS, Norway

Ruta Baltause

Ruta Baltause

Policy Officer of the DG Energy, EU Commission

The presentation will cover EU and Member State progress towards 2020 RES targets, the forthcoming Renewable Energy Directive review and the potential role of BEMIP and regional cooperation with respect to 2020 and 2030 RES targets.

Ash Sharma

Ash Sharma

Special Adviser for Climate Change of the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation

Aija Timofejeva

Aija Timofejeva

Director of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Department, Ministry of Economics, Latvia

Eva Centeno López

Eva Centeno López

Deputy Director of the Energy Division, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Sweden

Anja Liukko

Anja Liukko

Counsellor of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Finland

Dirk Hendricks

Dirk Hendricks

Senior Policy Advisor of the European Renewable Energies Federation

Jens Bjöörn

Jens Bjöörn

Senior Manager Public Affairs, Fortum

Market based solutions is the most cost efficient way to reach renewable targets especially from a socio economic perspektive.

Knut F. Kroepelien

Knut F. Kroepelien

Senior Policy and Legal Adviser of the Energy Norway

Experience with NO-SE sertificate system, experience with ETS. Assessment of future challenges and recommendations seen from Energy Norway.

Johan Vetlesen

Johan Vetlesen

Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Norway

The Energy Union process is of interest for Norway as a member of the EEA as well as being a main energy supplier and part of the Nordic electricity market. All the dimensions of the Energy Union represent new challenges and this conference provides excellent opportunity to explore the implications for the Nordic and Baltic countries. Johan is coordinating Nordic energy cooperation while being also one of the drivers behind the Nordic-Baltic energy conferences for the past few years.

Timo Tatar

Timo Tatar

Head of Energy Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia

Timo Tatar will chair the first day of the conference.

Rene Tammist

Rene Tammist

CEO of the Estonian Renewable Energy Association

Rene Tammist will chair the second day of the conference.