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24.08.21 – 25.08.21

Conference ´Domestic Violence – from near and far` Finished

The international conference “Domestic Violence – from near and far” took take place on August 24 – 25th, 2021 in Tallinn at the Proto Invention Factory and online. The conference was organized by the Estonian Ministry of the Interior and Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia, together with many partners.

Domestic violence is not just a personal concern of those involved, but a problem that seriously damages society as a whole. In Estonia, one-fifth of people have been exposed to domestic violence in their lifetime, and although the police receive more than 40 such reports a day, a large number of cases remain hidden.

The Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, defines violence against women as falling under four key forms: physical, sexual, psychological and economic. These aspects were discussed at the Conference by the speakers from the Nordic countries, Estonia, UK and USA.

The Conference was targeted to practitioners, experts and policy makers from the Nordic and Baltic countries for exchanging expertise, experience and information in domestic violence area. It is very important to strengthen positive impact, cooperation and partnerships among different regional and international mechanisms promoting and upholding women’s rights and combating violence (psychological, physical and sexual) against women and children.

The recordings of the conference can be found here