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03.09.20 – 04.09.20

The 5th International Conference on Men and Equal Opportunities: Men who care Finished

Contact info: Merle Kuusk (

The Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs is pleased to invite you to register for the 5th ICMEO on 3-4 September 2020. The conference will be held both physically in Tallinn, Estonia, and virtually.

The importance of men’s and boys’ active participation and responsibility as actors of change for gender equality and their role as co-beneficiaries of gender equality policies is widely acknowledged in principle. However, this general awareness is not backed up by long-term commitments and initiatives very often. At the Tallinn conference we seek to provide a space for furthering discussions and learning from each other’s experiences on topics ranging from caring to toxic masculinities. In this framework, we are addressing issues such as men’s responsibility to care for oneself, care for others and care for the well-being and sustainability of societies, including the promotion of gender equality. Both the challenges and the promising practices covering these topics will be discussed in both panel and workshop formats, involving a range of stakeholders, among them policymakers, researchers and activists.

The conference is organised in co-operation with the Nordic Council of Ministers and the European Institute for Gender Equality.



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