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Café Norden Tartu – Celebrating the Norwegian National Day Finished

Contact info: Madis Kanarbik (

May 17th marks the beginning of a new event series Café Norden where we will have experts from all different fields talking about Nordic history, society, culture, values and traditions – all while enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

The opening event of Café Norden in Tartu is the celebration of the National Day of Norway at the University of Tartu study hall lobby (Lossi 3) starting at 9.00.
The event is opened by Ole Øveraas, Charge d’Affaires a.i. of the Royal Embassy of Norway in Estonia and Madis Kanarbik, Head of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Tartu Branch Office. The day will continue with a quiz about Norway, some singing and of course everyone will also have the chance to taste traditional Norwegian drinks and snacks. 

The event is organized by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia, the Embassy of Norway and the University of Tartu.

The event languages are Estonian and English.

Keep an eye on Café Norden events also on Facebook.