29.03.19 10:00 – 13:00
Migration Conference 2019: Education as a Driver for Integration Finished

Nordic-Baltic migration conference „Education as a Driver for Integration“ will be held at KUMU Art Museum in Tallinn on 29 March 2019. The conference is organised by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia, the University of Tartu, the Ministry of the Interior of Estonia and the Estonian Contact Point for the European Migration Network. The seventh Nordic-Baltic migration conference in Tallinn focusses on the challenges of migration policies, including the role of education in integration of migrants to the societies and labour markets of the receiving countries.
Challenges related to migration and integration are continuously among the major issues of the societal debate in the Baltic and Nordic region, as well globally. Education is becoming one of the most important topics related to integration, and is gathering wide attention in the media and public discussions. Research results confirm that different living and working conditions and the cohesion of the whole society depend very much on the regional, national and social differences of the quality and accessibility of education.
Speakers from the Nordic countries, Germany and Estonia will talk about study migration effects on countries of destination according to European experiences, trends of international students’ migration in Estonia, Finland and Sweden. Tuomas Martikainen, the Director of the Migration Institute of Finland will touch upon the future global migration trends in the keynote speech of the conference. The Vice Rector of the University of Tartu Aune Valk will talk about the role of English in higher education at national university. The second panel of the conference, organised by the Estonian Contact Point of the European Migration Network, will be dedicated to best practices from Europe in facilitating the transfer of international students from higher education to the labour market. Professor Margus Pedaste and Laura Kirss from the University of Tartu give an overview on integration at school in Estonia based on the recent research results of the RITA-project.
The conference is based on the results of latest academic studies, experiences and best practices, as well as on expert presentations from Nordic and Baltic researchers and specialists on immigration and integration of new arrivals in the Nordic-Baltic region. The conference aims at strengthening the collaboration between the Nordic and Baltic countries on the impact of immigration in the Nordic-Baltic region and concentrates on the exchange of knowledge and experiences in the area of immigration and integration of recently arrived migrants, incl. refugees, and to secure a sustainable well-balanced development of the Nordic-Baltic region.
We have reached maximum number of registrations for the event and registration for the conference has been closed.
If you wish to participate, please send an email to conference@amarela.ee to be placed on the waiting list.
The conference will be held in cooperation with the Migration Institute of Finland, Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare, the Nordic Welfare Centre, the Ministry of Culture of Estonia, the Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia, the Swedish Embassy in Tallinn, communities initiative ´Kust sa tead?` and other partners.