10.08.18 16:00 – 17:30
Opinion festival 2018: From cowboy capitalism to value-based entrepreneurship Finished

Time: August 10, 16:00-17:30
Location: Paide, Democracy area
We are looking for arguments to persuade the leader of a company created for profit to take decisions that in the short term would not increase profits or even increase costs, but are crucial for the sustainability of society. We will figure out how to combine sustainability and profitability and we share experience from the Nordic countries. We ask the audience how to use the experience of others in the best way in Estonia.
Kati Ihamäki
Director, Corporate Sustainability, Finnair
Kati Ihamäki has been the Director of Corporate Sustainability at Finnair since 2008. She has been passionately designing and managing Finnair’s corporate responsibility strategy and integrating sustainability issues into Finnair’s competitive strategy. Previously, Kati worked as Finnair’s Alliance Director for oneworld affairs; Manager for Bilateral agreements; Controller for Service and Quality for Stations abroad.
In her current role, Kati leads the development and execution of company-wide strategic sustainability initiatives, while integrating corporate responsibility into business-critical processes throughout the company.
Kati’s responsibilities include ensuring that sustainable development efforts enhance Finnair’s business performance and support the company’s strategy along with the long-term interests of multiple stakeholders. Kati’s work ensures that Finnair’s current and future operations are sustainable and in line with the relevant values, norms and regulations. Additionally, she is responsible for the continuous development of Finnair’s corporate responsibility reporting and communication.
Kati is also a member of the Environmental Committee and chair of Corporate Sustainability Taskforce for IATA (International Air Transport association).
“Go and meet people, discuss especially with those, who have opposite opinions to yours, live and learn!”
Raul Lättemägi
Director, Advanced Sports Installations Europe (ASIE)
Raul Lättemägi is the owner of Advanced Sports Installations Europe (ASIE), which lays and maintains more than a million square metres of artificial grass on playing fields every year, making it one of the top three companies of its kind in Europe. The ARENA technology developed by ASIE is based on the circular economy: material from existing artificial grass fields is cleaned before being recycled or reprocessed. No other company in Europe currently offers such a service.
“The way I think about things and my philosophy of life are the same, and they’re expressed through what I do. It’s not just about being environmentally friendly, but about the circular economy more broadly.”
Maria Wetterstrand
2002-2011 spokesperson for the Swedish Green Party and MP; freelance speaker on sustainable development issues; Miltton Purpose CEO
Maria Wetterstrand is one of the main spokespersons in the debates on environmental and sustainable development topics in Sweden. With a background in Swedish politics, as a member of Parliament and spokesperson for the Swedish Green Party, she has worked with sustainability and environmental issues for over 20 years. Since she left politics in 2011 she has focused mainly on sustainability in the business sector, first as a freelancer and now as Miltton Purpose CEO. In 2015, she was appointed chairman of the Environmental Council, whose task is to coordinate Swedish environmental authorities work.
She has a masters´ degree in biology from the university of Gothenburg and now lives in both Stockholm and Helsinki. Maria believes that long-term profitable companies need both purpose and passion and that business has a key role in driving change and enabling citizens to live more sustainable lives.
Annika Arras
Moderator. Partner, Miltton Nordics
Annika Arras is Partner and Managing Director at governmental relations and corporate communications agency Miltton Nordics in Estonia, a subsidiary of Miltton Group whose core is to be the best trusted advisor for Nordic companies internationally as well as for international companies in the Nordics.
Annika is one of the most experienced political communication experts in the Europe thanks to her over a decade lasting experience as the Campaign Director of the Estonian Reform Party (until April 2015) that has won three national elections in a row.
Annika has consulted organizations in strategic communication from the Caucasus to the Nordics – incl Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Germany, Austria, Sweden. She founded the European Women’s Academy of Political Leadership in 2016 where she trains high-level female politicians to become more influential in politics.
Since establishing Miltton to Estonia Annika has participated actively in the public discussion on corporate sustainability. Miltton Nordics is a member of the Responsible Entrepreneurship Forum and has a desire to be the drivers of the responsible entrepreneurship in our society.