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11.04.17 18:00

#naistEST: documentary "The Long Road" Finished

Taani film stillkaader

In 2015, it is 100 years since Danish women obtained the right to vote. Inspired by this date, the documentary “The Long Road” focuses on the women’s movement in Denmark from the suffragettes around 1900, the women libbers of the 1970’es and up to queer feminists and today’s young women and men.

A common thread runs between the two great women’s movements of the19th and the 20th century. Both are struggling to obtain formal rights and to obtain the right over their own bodies. Both occur in the wake of similar uprisings elsewhere in the world. And both start with a small handful of activists and end up creating nationwide movements, which crucially and forever change the entire population’s living conditions legally, economically and sexually. “The Long Road” is also a personal film in which director Mette Knudsen, 40 years after the fact places the women’s movement – of which she herself was a member – in a contemporary context by focusing on 100 years of women’s history and examining the hopes and dreams of today’s young women and men. Have we obtained what we wanted? Or where are we heading?

Director: Mette Knudsen
Denmark 2016
Duration: 107 minutit

Subtitles: English 

The film screens 11 April 6 PM at the Museum of Occupations.

Admission is for free.