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Erinevate Tubade Klubi (Telliskivi 60A, Tallinn)

Seminar: Brand licensing – my intellectual property on the international market Finished

Contact info: Ruudu Raudsepp (

The Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia, Creative Estonia and Creative Europe are organising a seminar on brand licensing and related trading. The seminar is for creative companies interested in taking their products to the international market and getting their intellectual property earning for them. Anyone involved in crossover media is also welcome. The seminar takes place November 21, at Erinevate Tubade Klubi (Tallinn). 

The presenters will be showcasing licensing as an opportunity to adopt new business models. Speaking at the information day will be AGMA director Kati Uusi-Rauva, who will be outlining ways of finding agents and discussing the nature of brand-trading in general; Roleff Kråkström, the CEO behind the Moomins brand, who will be talking about the reasons behind the company’s massive success as a result of rebranding the characters; agent Heikki Laaninen, who will be looking at the principles behind ‘tradable brand’ criteria; lawyer Pirjo Jha, who will examine the legal aspects of entering into licensing agreements; and Dan Mikkin from the agency Brand Manual, who will be discussing how to build up a successful brand.

The presentations will be in Estonian and English.