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Jelgava, Latvia

Forum ‘Opening and clustering bioeconomy sectors’ Finished

Contact info: Madis Tilga (

Today bioeconomy is being strongly promoted across Europe and elsewhere. Bioeconomy with its cross cutting nature is expected to tackle wide range of fundamental challenges like climate change, regional disparities, environmental protection, resource efficiency, food security, waste management, sustainable economy etc.

The Nordic Council of Ministers, Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia and Latvia University of Agriculture convene a stakeholder forum ‘Opening and clustering bioeconomy sectors’ in Latvia, Jelgava in order to seek joint political endorsement and explore cross-sector potential of bioeconomy. The role of the Nordic Council of Ministers as a leader of Priority Area Bioeconomy under the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region anchors this forum to a wider agenda.

Forum will focus on:

  • Linking bioeconomy sectors. Exploring the cross-sector potential of bioeconomy by showcasing novel examples and inspiring new connections;
  • Mapping and scenarios. Comparing mapping activities and methodologies in different countries;
  • Governance and strategic planning. Communicating interests and goals with bioeconomy in respective countries.

Several experts from Nordic and Baltic States are invited to share their vision on bioeconomy development in the region. Main working format are discussions in working groups – you can expect to express your opinions and hear many others.

Read more about the forum, programme, speakers, registration and practicalities