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Artis cinema, Tallinn

Inspiration Lunch ‘Tested Innovation Model: Creativity + IT’ Finished

Contact info: Grete Kodi (

The Finnish Institute in Estonia, the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia and Creative Estonia are organizing a series or seminars and a forum in the framework of project CED2015 – Creative Economy Development – in Tallinn and Riga during 2015. The purpose of CED2015 is to showcase new business models from the Nordic countries and Estonia and to generate a discussion on the unleashed potential and challenges of the creative industries. The event is targeted at creative economy entrepreneurs, investors and policy makers.

April 14

Creative industries and the IT field play key roles in the innovation process, and life without IT would nowadays be impossible to imagine in any line of business. IT is not just the Internet and apps – combined with creative thought, it can generate added value in any field. We will talk about the ways IT and creativity have together advanced various lines of activity and what needs to be taken into account when embarking on cross-sectoral collaboration. The best examples from the Nordic countries and Estonia will also be discussed.

All the seminars take place at the Artis cinema in Tallinn. Working language is English. Find out more about the inspiration lunches.


  • 12.00 Get-together and lunch
  • 12.30-14.00 Presentations and discussions
  • 14.00-… mingle at the Artis cinema café


Participation fee 6€ (includes lunch). Registration until the Friday before the event.