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Funding for Nordic-Baltic research projects on user-driven innovation in health and welfare Deadline Finished

Contact info: Madis Kanarbik (

The call is being announced under the framework of the Nordic Programme on Health and Welfare and the overall objective of the call is to enhance public health in the Nordic and Baltic countries by finding solutions to societal and public health challenges using a user-driven innovation approach.

Researchers and research groups at universities and other research institutions in the Nordic countries, Estonia and Lithuania are eligible to apply for funding.

The call is funded through a common pot provided by the funding partners, and is administered by NordForsk. The total budget for the call is NOK 11 million, and two to four projects will be granted funding for a period of two to three years. Each project may apply for maximum NOK 6 million.

Proposals should be submitted electronically through the NordForsk Application Portal
no later than 4 February 2015 13.00 (CET). Proposals must be submitted in English.

Find out more here.