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19.10.14 – 23.10.14


Youth Festval C.A.M.P. Creative Action – Meaningful Performance! Vol II Finished

Contact info: Eha Vain (

CAMP logo tekstC.A.M.P. – which stands for ‘Creative Action, Meaningful Performance’ – is a festival designed to open up the minds and world views of young people. It draws together fields that at first seem entirely unrelated and incompatible to create something completely new. The Estonian office of the Nordic Council of Ministers took its inspiration for the school-related project from the Finnish youth festival ‘Kulturkarnevalen’.

The first C.A.M.P. event was held in Estonia in Pärnu in 2013, where general education and youth work were combined – attendees learning about art through biology and maths, about recycling through history and more.

The Tartu project will focus on finding creative and innovative approaches in the teaching of maths so as to showcase its importance in life. To this end, methods and approaches used in education and youth work will be combined – interweaving, for example, maths and extreme sports and maths and music. Youngsters from Tartu and further afield will be involved in creating and testing the methods.

The project is being financed by Erasmus +, the City of Tartu and the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia.

For further information please contact:
Kristiina Valk
Youth Service Chief-Specialist
Tartu City Government
Telephone: +372 736 1353 / Mobile: +372 511 7426