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Green Growth Forum ‘The Bioeconomy. Extending the Value Chain in Agriculture and Forestry’ Finished

Contact info: Madis Tilga (

Rohevik 2014 Watch the Green Growth Forum 2014 online!

Today bioeconomy is being strongly promoted across Europe and elsewhere. Bioeconomy with its cross cutting nature is expected to deliver on wide range of fundamental challenges like climate change, regional disparities, environmental protection, resource efficiency, food security, waste management, sustainable economy etc.

Nordic and Estonian partnership sets up a green growth forum to look at the ‘The Bioeconomy. Extending the Value Chain in Agriculture and Forestry’. The forum will take place at the University of Life Sciences in Tartu, the second biggest city in Estonia.

Bio-economy is based on the efficient use of renewable terrestial and aquatic natural resources as well as residual biomaterials and biowaste. It includes primary production, such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture, and industries using / processing biological resources, such as the food and pulp and paper industries and parts of the chemical, biotechnological and energy industries.

Target group and focus
The forum turns itself predominantly towards entrepreneurs and has a strong awareness raising and knowledge building goal. We shall focus on value chain creation in forestry, forest industry, agriculture, food industry and related waste streams in order to pinpoint growth potential and environmental innovation.

Partnership behind the forum
Nordic Council of Ministers, Tartu City, Tartu Regional Energy Agency, University of Life Sciences, Tartu Science Park and Association of Local Authorities of Tartu County

Further information
More detailed information at