Tartu, Estonia
Celebration of the publication of the Icelandic saga translations into all Scandinavian languages Finished
Contact info: Madis Kanarbik (madis.kanarbik@norden.ee)
The Department of Scandinavian Studies of the University of Tartu, Estonia will celebrate the publication of the Icelandic saga translations with a seminar and reception on 20 May, which will be organised with the assistance of the embassies of Iceland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden in Estonia and the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia. Iceland also holds the presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers this year and the publication of the saga translations forms part of their presidency programme.
The ambassadors of all of the aforementioned Nordic countries and several Nordic and Estonian saga researchers and translators will take part in the presentation.
Several Icelandic sagas have also been published in Estonian for the first time in recent years and a research project supported by the Estonian Research Council which focuses on studying sagas (under the instruction of Professor Daniel Sävborg) was launched in the Department of Scandinavian Studies a short time ago.